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Scio Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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EAR Studio is an analog/digital recording facility located on East 11th street about a mile from downtown Austin, TX. The studio area features a large cutting room boasting an 18 ft cathedral ceiling and a roomy isolation booth. Hovering above, the spacious and naturally lit control room lends a bird’s eye view to the happenings below.
My name is Ondrej Grzegorz. I like production, mixing and mastering of all kinds of music. My education background is classical and electroacoustic music, but my hobby was always electronic music. I do game sound and various audio designs and as well remixes and beats.
I have personally engineered K-Rino's last 6 albums. If you are looking for experience and quality hit me up!
I Know how it feels to have a bad song and that is one mistake I cannot repeat.
hi, you can call me kreem I'm a music producer, video editor, etc.. what I can do for you : - make a beat. - mix the beat. - master the beat. - or master your song.
Sanja Gutt is a singer and songwriter from Vienna, Austria (Europe) recognizable by her bright voice, big range and versatile timber, composing mainly with guitar and keys.
Seasoned professional bassist that is happy to work with you to achieve the vision you have for your project.
Recent Successes
"great service, very professional, great guy to work it! will be using his services again! A+"
"Working with Stella is amazing, she's a very nice person and she is truly talented ! She delivers high quality vocals/lyrics and she is doing it fast ! Will definitely work with her again! "
"This is my third time using Dan's services and he is sheer perfection every time. He is efficient, friendly, quick and perfect. He is a great communicator and he is patient. You don't need to go any further than Dan..."
"I’ve worked with Eric a couple times now and I’ve really enjoyed it. He’s great at communicating and I’ve been very satisfied with the end result. Highly recommended. "
"Nice connection with Joel!! Very nice and professional singer. I hope to work with him again soon :)"
"First time using Austin and his reviews did not lie, he did an awesome job. Already lining up another song with him."
"The collaboration with KUYANO was really fun! He takes the tracks to the next level, his work is very professional and can be recommended. I'm already looking forward to the next collaboration :)"