Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Savia
Hello everyone, I am Marco, a seasoned musician with over 30 years of experience playing the piano and synthesizers. I specialize in a variety of musical styles including rock, prog metal, neo soul, R&B, funk, and pop, and I have honed my skills to bring a unique and dynamic sound to each performance.
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Steve Wingfield is a producer, arranger, writer, musician and vocalist with a home base is at Phase One Studios in Toronto, Canada.
10+ years of producing/writing music. Intermediate level of audio engineer. 5+ years of songwriting and vocal arrangement.
You’ve spent hours recording the perfect tracks. Reward yourself with a fresh set of ears and a new perspective to craft professionally polished mixes wrapped in a warm blanket of analog console and outboard gear. I have years of experience recording and mixing alternative, folk-rock, rock, and americana tunes.
Professional songwriting, top-notch mixes, captivating vocals, and infectious instrumentals. Elevate your tracks with passion and precision. Let's create magic together!
Afrobeat & Dancehall Producer/Beatmaker Based In South Africa.My Sound Is A Hybrid Of African Rhythms & Modern Pop Melodies Heavily Inspired By Modern Afrobeat Style Of Wizkid,Burna Boy & Rema Among Others.I Make Very Creative & Compelling Instrumentals That Inspire Any Writer From Novice To Pro Level
A modern noir/night artist #darkmusic. My music style is a mash-up of jazz, musical, new age, electronic and country, and of course 100% organic singing with a lot of nuances and emotion.
Nicolas Rojas is an audio engineer and musician with more than 12 years of experience in the business and craft. If you are looking for a cohesive, clean mixing style and that each of the elements of the mix share the sound space in a clear and precise way, without losing the strength and personality achieved in the performance this is the place.
A creative and versatile guitar player from Southern California. From pop to hard rock, to country to punk, I have been able to push my creativity and fulfill any needs the music needs while still retaining my artist integrity.
Recent Successes
"Brandon is a very talented composer and singer, it was extremely easy and fast to work with him. He understood our briefing perfectly and was always open to our suggestions. We really liked the final result of this so..."
"Shelley heard my call for help and answered with such tender loving care. I plan on connecting and working with her again, I believe she has a lot to offer and can direct artists who are looking to take that next step..."
"Denny's work is awesome. His talent, his voice and his musical understanding brings every production to a better level. Love to work with him!!! "
"Lydia did a fast and way-creative interpretation of a Reggae song in which there was no piano but now there is wonderful piano with an unexpected and interesting spin. Perfect. Brilliant. Smart. Cool. I could on a..."
"Davide was amazing! Super fast, responsive, and professional. Took feedback/notes and turned around mixes in no time at all. Davide was an absolute pleasure to work with - I'd absolutely work with him on another project!"
"Emma did another great job editing vocals on a song of mine! Great quality and communication, highly recommended to all! Thanks Emma!"
"I heard Baylee's voice, and I couldn't help but wonder if she could sing one of my songs with the same elegance – she could! I loved the result, and I would highly recommend this truly talented and kind professional. "
"It's my first job with Davide, he's very talented and easy to work with. He provided a very fast and an excellent instrumental, can't wait to work together again. More projects coming ! "