Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pittarius Code
Hello,I'm a singer and launched my solo career with Deep House 'Find You', my own composition. I worked with national and international producers doing vocals and lyrics, House and Trance styles. I also have a band whose style is MPB Soul with influences from Pop Rock, Jazz, Blues and R&B. You can count on me for melacholic and disco-inspired vocal
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Musical Producer, Recording and Mixing Engineer, Singer, Composer, Bass Player. Produtor Musical, Engenheiro de gravação e Mixagem, Cantor, Compositor e Instrumentista!
Emotion and Technology Orphic Media is a creative music shop and full-service production studio. Each member of our team of renaissance artists is an expert in their craft, working on the biggest franchises in the advertising and interactive entertainment industry while and composing some top selling and critically acclaimed music albums.
I'm a Celtic/Folk fiddle & mandolin session musician from Scotland based in celtic-folk-acoustic genre. I've been described as "one of the most exciting and innovative fiddle players of the times." I've performed on over 70 albums for some of the country's top celtic/acoustic artists and can supply you with tracks tailored to suit your project.
Hi, I'm a producer, instrumentalist, songwriter, and a recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I have a unique perspective from playing bass in psych-rock bands, preparing electronic live shows, and recording r+b and hip hop in bedrooms. I produced Wiley from Atlanta's entire debut album "Blue Don't Make Me Cry" with Malik Drake.
certified blip blog maker, also known as Kim Kate is the musical project led by Music Producer / Sound Designer Heewon Oh who silently making waves from Seoul's prominent underground dance scene.
Over 15-years experience as Mixing/Mastering Engineer and Music Producer.
Mixing/Mastering Engineer, Guitarist, Producer, Beatmaker, Soundmaster
I'm a versatile producer and seasoned performing pianist primarily focused on instrumentals. I have with a diverse set of skills & have contributed to soundtracks, hip hop, country, and rock albums. Credits include BBC, FOX, MSNBC, KBS, and various international film projects.
Recent Successes
"Very professional and patient "
"This is the second time I've worked with Dan for drums and every song I send him I think it's going to come back good and then he ends up blowing my mind. Every single time! What can I say that hasn't been said bef..."
"Hugo's drum playing is pro! He is very thorough, consistent, and always knows what to play to accent my style of writing for achieving the best overall outcome."
"As always, Aaron delivered top quality work! He's always super patient and helpful; I definitely will be working with him again."
"Pablo is the go to! If there is anyone on this site that you need to go to immediately, Pablo is the one. We have used him many times.Thank you! "
"It’s very easy to work with Austin. With few words and guidelines he can directly catch what you want. He’s extremely creative and delivers always higher above expectations. Don’t hesitate to hire him. I’m telling y..."
"Just love her voice and soooo sweet to work with. A real gem. Will be hiring her again. "