Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sarah Dell
New Indie Female Vocalist out of Richmond, VA. Sarah Dell is a cheap vocalist option for emerging singer-songwriters looking to make their foray into demos!
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Matthew Boda is a Producer, Engineer, Songwriter at JTL Group, a music production group based out of Kansas City.
If your looking for a cookie cutter engineer, you might want to look else where. If your looking for a innovative top notch creative engineer that will intently focus on encompassing your artistic vision - then lets chat!
As a musician first, producer second, I've always cared most about what the song itself needed. Forget genre, or influence. Does the music match the story you're trying to tell? If you want another cookie-cutter production so you can cross your song off the list, hire someone else. I'm here to bring you what your music deserves: it's own voice.
Hi! My name is Giando and I'm graduated in Popular Music from University of Chichester, UK. I'am a producer, bassist, mixing and mastering engineer. I'm the founder of Grida Sonore, a label based in Livorno, Italy. I have produced in many genres but I'm specializing in Pop and Rock Music.
Have mixed and mastered more than 10 whole albums and have recorded more than 100 features all done within 2019-now.
Professional Mixing & Mastering Engineer here to give your recordings power, energy and clarity. I specialize in mixing & mastering within the rock, metal, pop, and country realm. I know how to get your track sounding absolutely next level so it can compete in todays industry. Keep your royalties, as anything I do will be "work-for-hire".
I will professionally mix and master your rock/metal music. My music has been featured by the likes of Rolling Stone, and I've learnt mixing and mastering from some of the top local studios and established professionals like Jordan Valeriote. The latest album I helped produce [ In Your Car by Dayve ] charted amongst the top 50 pop albums in India.
Producer and sound engineer with over 23 million streams credited.
Recent Successes
"Daniel is super professional and has a great music taste, he’ll give some genius ideas for your song. Will definitely work together again!"
"Genuinely cannot recommend this guy enough. Absolute fantastic service from start to finish . This man is giving sound better a fantastic name . Will be back again"
"Dejan is a very creative, talented person & works extremely professional. The communication was great. I highly recommend working with him!"
"Brad brought my initial acoustic demo to life in crafting a series of wondrous guitar licks and hooks. As well as teeing up a drummer to play on the song, Brad also contributed bass guitar and synths, and communicated..."
"Wes is the greatest engineer I've had the honor of working with. Anyone in their right mind working with Hip Hop music should be using Wes for their Mastering services. "
"Emma is amazing and the best at what she does! I highly recommend her if you want your vocals to sound professional. I'm super happy with my results and look forward to doing more songs with Emma! "
"Francesco has provided another great mix and master for my latest single. I am thrilled with his work and continue to be amazed at his choices and skills. Francesco absolutely nailed this mix/master and vocal tuning. ..."
"Working with JOSEPH for a second time has only solidified my admiration for his work. He brings a unique blend of professionalism, talent, and visionary insight that transforms my songs. His ability to elevate any pro..."