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São Paulo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Top producer, mixer and mastering engineer in the Dallas-Forth Worth area. Look no further if you want your music taken to the next level!
I am a well seasoned vocalist, a jack of all trades aka I can sing anything in any style. I have been a professional vocalist for over 2 decades and I can lay down vocals in an insanely short amount of time. I have a power house rock belt or a sweet soft delicate head voice. I am here for you and all your singing needs.
"With a voice as smooth and pure as a crisp autumn breeze, Benegas enchants his listener’s with heartwarming melodies and invigorating lyrics. A product of the prestigious Berklee College of Music, Argentinian singer/songwriter Simon Benegas is a new artist that takes his listeners on an intimate journey of self exploration..."
Pianista y Compositor.
I have been songwriting for over 20 years, a singer, and I rap when I want to or when it's called for. I am a music producer, voice-over, specialist mixer, engineer, and video/sound editor for 15+ years from London, United Kingdom. Worked with many people and names on many projects.
A studious and eclectic multi-instrumentalist.
French music producer - songwriter for hotbox productions - beatmaker for Mauvais actes, Rymz, Souldia, O-lit. Worked with multiples international songwriters for K-pop industry (itzy, f(x), Red Velvet), pop songs (Britney, The Weekend...), Trap/hip-hop french songs (Rymz, Souldia, Kraken, O-lit, Dirty Taz, Farfadet, Dj Fade Wizard) Francais dispo
Recent Successes
"Arthur was great all around with communication, delivery, speed and most importantly quality. Had a fantastic experience. Highly recommend! "
"Jack is one! So patient, he's made impossible to improve our track and make it sound as it sounds now: massive! Thank you man!"
"Lorne is a really talented bagpipe and low whistle player and brought genuine enthusiasm to my project to deliver some great parts on my song.He is easy to communicate with also !"
"Pure joy! Brent is Excellent musician. Pristine Sound, professional communication and inspirational approach. Top class artistic service!"
"Fabian mastered my track the same evening I had send him the files! Your track will sound a lot more pleasant to the ears if Fabian worked on it. He is ready to do the extra work, works fast and is very friendly. "
"Ryan is one seriously creative soul -- blows me away every time (this is no. 5 for us;). "
"Mariami is an incredibly talented songwriter, and she was so professional and sweet!"
"Jameema is one of the most talented, hard working and professional singers I have ever worked with. She takes an idea and creates something magical. Dependable quality and top notch service. Jameema is a stunning sing..."