Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JOP
Songwriter for a catchy hook / Music producer
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I've been working professionally for over 25 years, with artists of all levels and in all genres, and was the Head Engineer of one of Canada's top studios (Toronto's Metalworks) before going freelance in 2006. Let's discuss your project!
One stop shop for production, mixing, songwriting, and professional (art and sound) design needs. Mixing your sound and building your brand from the ground up...
producer for 10 years, mix and master expert
I am a Grammy-Nominated artist who has vocally arranged, recorded, and produced for legends such as Prince and Joe Sample. I currently produce children's jingles for television. I enjoy creating an array of musical selections from a cappella's to jingles to jazz, opera, R & B, pop, and rock. I specialize in both harmonic and melodic arrangements.
Im an award winning vocalist,voice actor and singer-songwriter . I have 40 plus years experience in stage and sound. I've worked with musicians of all levels in the industry from world famous to A/B-Bands. My clients and their creative vision matter to me. I take GREAT pride in my work and yours.
Hi, I am Nina Duschek, a singer/songwriter and street musician from the North of Italy, with over 10 years of experience in vocal performance being also a holder of a BA degree in Professional Musicianship. If you are looking for some energetic, authentic, raw and soulful vocals, you are at the right place!
Hey there! I'm Jophil, a seasoned music producer with a passion for creating chart-topping hits. With years of experience in the music industry, I've perfected the art of producing tracks that not only sound amazing but also resonate with listeners worldwide.
Mix Engineer who will treat your song as if it were his own, and do whatever it takes to make sure your song is the best it can be.
Recent Successes
"Tyler did an amazing job mixing job mixing our song. I was a little hesitant to go through a website to get my song mixed, but now I am glad I did. He brought the song to life with a clean, detailed mix. He listened t..."
"It was really nice to worked with Calvin. He's efficient and gave us a good quality vocal. Fast and pro, I recommend to hire Calvin. "
"Aleesia is incredible. A true professional who knows her voice, and knows the business. She can perfectly capture current pop trends, and her voice instantly adds character to a record. You'll be lucky to have her! "
"Riley is a very kind person as well as a talented engineer. This is my second time working with Riley and I'm very happy with the result. :)) "
"Ziv was very long and understanding of my request. Amazing quality and sounds were produced to make this project a reality. Would definitely recommend and would gladly work with Ziv again "
"Wonderful and flawless as always! Thank you so much, Andres!!"
"Austin seems to be many superlatives. Most importantly he's a fantastic, talented producer and musician with an excellent ear. He's also timely, patient, etc. etc. I provided a few reference tracks of the sound I was ..."
"It was a pleasure working with Richard! He is an amazing strings player. He understands the intent of the song well, The difficult-to-play passages I wrote were also arranged nicely. I'm looking forward to working..."
"Oscar did such a fantastic job mixing what was quite a unique/unorthodox song. He has an ear you can trust and is really dedicated to delivering a beautiful result. I can't recommend him enough."