Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Santos Diablos
Looking for a unique, top-quality audio production experience? I offer personalized production, mixing, and mastering services designed to bring out the best in your music. With over 30 years of experience running my own studio, I know how to optimize every aspect of the process delivering efficient, professional results without compromising qualit
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Simon Moro is a music producer & mixer with over two decades of experience. He has trained with two of the industry’s best: David Kahne (Paul McCartney, Imogen Heap, Lana Del Ray, Jeff Buckley) and Michael Brauer (Coldplay, Grizzly Bear, The Rolling Stones). He has had ARIA nominated work, #1 debuts.
Hey, I'm Eloise and I am here to create a variety of sounds for you, to provide you with musical inspiration, to add some magic to something you've already started, to finish something you need help with.
Great drums can really lift an already amazing track and turn it into something absolutely awesome. I will record a custom drum track for your music and return it to you within 48 hours of our agreed recording date. You can then ask for as many edits and changes as you like (within reason), and the you only pay once you are completely happy with it
Ready for excellence? Look no more! I am a professional and versatile violinist in Lima, Peru. However, we can work together wherever you are. Just let me know how I can help!
Worlds Largest Ethical Hackers & Security Researchers
Precision Vocals and Guitar - Rock/Grunge, 80s Metal, or 70s Classic Rock styles. Very clean overdubs for double tracking.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.
Recent Successes
"I enjoyed working with WAVES and my finished project was a true reflection of my thoughts in regards to my song. "
"Jarrett has some amazing vocal skills. Under his lead vocal, he performed a tricky harmony stack at small intervals to make it sound like a chorus of 10 people! He has great instincts for harmony. He turned the job ar..."
"Eileen has an awesome voice - for any genre. She's also extremely nice and professional; pleasure to work with. I'll definitely be working with her again."
"Wil, Knocked it out of the park again! His attention to detail delivers exactly what you need in your project. I’ve used him twice in a two week window and he will be my go to for any additional projects I work on. "
"Ariel is an amazing person to work with! Such a pleasure and very talented!"
"An absolutely amazing talent, one of the most consummate professionals we have ever dealt with, no better words to describe him, one of the very very best, A++++"
"Very patient and considerate, Alex goes the extra mile to make sure the desired results are achieved. Incredibly talented and professional."
"Definitely a pleasure to work with. Very prompt and engaging. And of course very talented."