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San Antonio Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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You will mostly know me as the voice of Freak Power. I've had a long career as a session brass player and arranger. I've created a Sesame Street series, Mr Zoink. I've had numerous hits, large and small.
Nashville-based Session Bassist specializing in CCM, Worship, Singer-Songwriter, and Modern Country. I have a degree in Worship Leadership - Music Business and have studio and touring experience.
I am the producer who turns bedroom recordings into hits! If you don't believe me, check me out on all platforms by searching my name :)
Hi, My name is Raphael Logvinsky I am a Drummer based in Bangkok Thailand.
I specialize in those "other things" that make music incredible - the subtle ambience in the background of a track, that just-right synth tone, perfect sound design that makes a song feel whole. The things that fall just between writing and mixing that many people overlook. I'll make you love your song even more than you love it now.
My name is Merle and I write and produce songs, I topline, I harmonize, I do voice-overs for commercials. I'm also an artist in the Netherlands.
Christian/Gospel artist and songwriter. I specialize in R&B and Hip Hop style.
Percussionist for Disney's The Lion King, Cirque du Soleil, multiple grammy award winning Afro-Latin Jazz Orchestra and most importantly, YOUR next project!
Recent Successes
"If, as a songwriter or producer, you are looking for a passionate, professional and extremed skilled singer, this is the one. His voice range, powerfull vocals and the skills to create and record harmonies are, in a w..."
"First time using the platform and J was Amazing!! He made my track sounding so professional and clean. Looking fowardd to work with him on the future!"
"It was wonderful working with Christian. I threw him a bit of a curveball being a track in a genre that he doesn’t usually sing and asked him to sing it in the style of the main protagonist. He nailed it, accurately c..."
"Patrick is my missing puzzle piece! He is my other half and is so good at knowing exactly what I want without saying a word! I'm so thankful that I found this guy. Worth way more than what he charges."
"Incredibly gifted. Everything I was looking for in a performance!"
"A professional there is none better when it comes to knowing your craft. You better not pass up the opportunity to get some great productions. Willie"
"Matt Bishop is truly " The Man". He is every bit of the 5 star we are giving him. Everything you hope to get in an engineer, you get. Professional, great work ethic, quick response, quick action and talented"
"Nailed it again! Check our previous reviews of Camilo for details. Love love love."