Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Samantha Henson
Your art matters. Seriously, it matters more than we even know. Now that we've established that, I would love to work together to bring out your music's most pure sound. The sound that when you hear it, you just know; that's the song. I believe in collaboration with the universe and that art is the most pure version of that.
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I play guitar for a Delhi based band and produce my own electronic tracks on the sides :)
I am a multifaceted music producer with a passion for bringing projects to life. I have written soundtracks for film, worked as a session guitarist and worked with Dove award winner Martin Smith on Bright City projects and regularly write for world renowned singer-songwriter Paul Oakley.
yo yo sick i need a doctor it obvious ive been spitten the vilest, must of been snake in apast life to late dont flex on em no mo.
Embrace the quality
Top quality services. Fast and Affordable. My goal is to provide each track the attention to detail it deserves. Lets work together to get your tracks Radio Ready!
I'm a Brooklyn based music producer that's worked on songs appearing on Spotify's New Music Friday (x2) and garnered over 20+ million streams across platforms. My songs have been synced on ABC as well as MTV.
Versatile creative with fifteen years of expertise in songwriting, mixing, and mastering
Recent Successes
"Not professional, good communication though "
"Once again Nate delivered quality! I felt like a kid on Christmas when I received his drum takes. I knew it would be something good. And it certainly was! Nate is very easy to work with. Communication is a breeze. I a..."
"Zefan, Is a phenomenal arranger/ producer. This is my 3 rd project with him. Each project working with him is a wonderful experience. I have full confidence in trusting Zefan . I highly recommend him. Very talented y..."
"Giancarlo has been in my favorites for over 4 years. Today, I finally get to work with a person who's mixes I've admired and loved. 100% recommend him with any genre! Goes extra mile if you ask him to :) Kushal :)"
"Cory is amazing! He went above and beyond my expectations and took my song to a level I never expected. He’s a total pro, courteous guy that has great skills on guitar. "
"Phil was great to work with, very friendly and delivered a great bass line for my track, Thanks Phil it was a pleasure! "
"Jeb was a total pro. Totally nailed the performance. Look forward to working with him again! "
"Just finished another amazing journey with Scott in The Land of Zugu! I swear he's one of the most gifted songwriters I've ever seen, heard or worked with....This new song of ours is special and it wouldn't be possibl..."