Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with sam short
Specialist in EDM and Pop mixing and mastering. I've worked with countless of artist in different genres, but I love working on EDM and Pop more than anything!
Whether recording studio-quality guitar or bass parts, creating a full instrumental track, or arranging your live tracks for your show, I can get the job done!
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FCLMA winning/ECMA nominated producer Michael "Musashi" Marucci.
Full Production . Mixing . Engineering . Editing . Mastering North Hollywood-based producer/engineer Jeremy Krull. Absolutely uncompromising attention to detail and musicality. Specializing in the heavier end of the music spectrum.
I will sing your hook and give your project the flair it needs! Also assist in your records completion for best results!
Chilean Singer-Songwriter, kinda Producer, kinda Rapper
Composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. Creating amazing music is my biggest passion, and I can't wait to help bring your projects and ideas to life!
LA MUSIQUE M.A.O QUI SE CONNECTE À VOS PROJETS. Bandes-annonces de films (trailers), de jeux vidéo, les spots télévisés et bien plus encore...
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I'm an electronic music producer from Brazil, active since 2017. I've had the privilege of performing at major festivals like Universo Paralello. U can submit ghost services anytime. Let's make music!
I'll make adaptive epic music for your videogame, I specialize in orchestral scores and themes for cities, biomes, epic battles, puzzle solving, emotional moments, eerie atmospheres, all the music you need here!
Recent Successes
"aubrey really have good taste on producing a song which is amazing. my song is in different language and she manage to done the song perfectly and sounded professional. she madr the sound more than what i imagine. ..."
"Emily put different slant on the song, a style which is one legit variation to be compared with others."
"it was awesome working with Nate...thx again !"
"Bruno is the real deal! Delivers absolutely amazing sounds! Really professional musician who can craft any sound you ask for! Will not hesitate to use him again!"
"I'm so glad to work with him. His main purpose is not just marking your job as completed. He works to create the best potential version of your song. This is the most important thing if you work on something like art ..."
"By far the best I've worked with. He takes pride in what he does. He delivers! All that matters!!"
"Really happy to work again with Matthew on my second release. He did a great job as per usual!"
"Superb work done as usual 👍 Max is the go-to guy if you want a flawless mix/master. Fast turnaround time as well."
"Alessandro is the future of Italian music! He is extremely talented and I'm sure the song we've done together will be a HIT! If you are looking for a REAL artist, then stop seaching, you've found him and his name is ..."
"Jonas is very professional and responsive. He recorded more than 10 cues for my project in just two days! Highly recommended"