Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sam Day
Get ready to take your music to the next level with electrifying female vocals and fresh, unique songwriting! I have been in the business for many years and have the skills and experience necessary to deliver quality toplines and songs that cater to your needs.
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My name is Nikita Kalinkin, I am a mixing engineer, I own and run my own fully equipped recording studio, fitted out with state of the art analogue and digital recording and mixing equipment.
You can make your garage sound great so long as you fill it with passion.
Music is our passion. We swear on analogue gear and got access to great instruments and hardware. We make your sound huge, transparent and warm.
Producer | Song-Writer | Audio Engineer | Music Consultant
For the indie artist! A student of R&B/Soul music, I know the genre and the sound impeccably. Message me. I've studied mixing for 10 years+ and my recent mixing project debuted in the Top 100 HipHop Albums via Itunes & top 40 New Releases on Amazon. As a singer, I hear your vocals in a way the average engineer may not. DM Me!
Work as a producer provide music for global corporate advertising companies including Macys Bank of America also remixes for Lionel Richie, JC Chasez, Ministry of Sound . Original dance music with camel riders. Writing songs with Lee Fields and many more. &Most important I love what I do.
Want that extra punch and dimension in your sound? Wanna make a lasting impression on your audience? Look no further.
Recent Successes
"Aimee has a great vocal and we enjoyed working with her"
"Singer does do the job in the end! "
"Chris is Brilliant, professional, talented and very easy to work with. Looking forward to working with him again. "
"It was great to have Nate do the drums for my song again. As usual, he totally nailed it! I get excited every time I get to hear what he has come up with. I gave Nate the freedom to come up with what he sees fit to th..."
"Robin is a true professional! I have been more than satisfied with every project he’s helped me with. He always goes above and beyond. I HIGHLY recommend this guy! "
"I loved the track! I loved working with Kevin. He is so talented and always makes sure to take my opinions in consideration. Absolutely amazing time working with him. Looking forward to making more tracks in the future. "
"Canberk is such an incredible Duduk player. We have a very spiritual and emotional song that we felt could benefit from having a Duduk solo. Canberk played exactly what we needed. 5 Stars for sure :) Plus, he's is sup..."
"A guy that can mix and master so well is very rare. But the way this dude does it, I’m shocked "
"Mason did an outstanding job! He was very prompt and easy to communicate with. He delivered a great vocal arrangement within a 3-day period. I’d definitely use him again! "
"#Rockstar = Kate Glock! Professional, thoughtful, creative. "
"There are a few people as good as this gentleman, delivered exactly what i wanted and did it so quickly as well. thank you Supa"