Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MEUTE
With some of the worlds leading artists and labels using Kognitiv Mastering. Your music will be taken good care of!
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This is Mic Savage and I am a pro a ghostwriter!!! I offer the cheapest and best quality ghostwriting in the world!!!. I can duplicate any style, from classic like Tupac, Biggie, Nas, and Jay-Z to contemporary like Drake, Rick Ross, Gucci Mane, or Kendrick Lamar, etc...I even do female styles like Nicki Minaj!!! Super fast turnaround!!!
I'm Located in New Orleans and I specialize in Songwriting, Tracking and Mixing. I come to Hotels, Motels, Tour busses, and Apartments. I have a set up that I can record Anywhere and Mix Everywhere. I pack my equipment up and bring the studio to you.
Hey there, if you need a music producer for your track/sketch or just a helping hand for editing I'm here for you. Specialized in electronic and neoclassical music. Just write me a message :)
Recognized canvas creator by Spotify For Artists. Specializing in vivid visuals and multi-dimensional art.
Platinum Winning Award Producer/Mix & Mastering Engineer.
Label: Cercle, Stil vor Talent & Ki Records | Own Label: NORR | Worked w/: Meute, Verboten Berlin, Gardens of God, Luna Morgenstern | More than 11 million streams on Spotify!
"ahhh ahh" Its your favorite artist "Es Dada" i made multiple hits with a unique flow & sound that penetrates the soul, soothing sounds with a variety unlike anything in the rap game and I specialize in an abundance of services from Mixing ,Mastering & producing quality records with astounding results, My main goal is to give back to my community.
Let's make some feels. Music is a medium.
Recent Successes
"Ben's talent is out of this world! Very easy to work with, takes direction well, happily willing to fine tune and make little adjustments til everything is 100%. Could not have asked for more!"
"Andres came through again - excellently mastered, highly recommended!"
"Killed it, the mans pocket is an abyss.. Ridiculous. Will definitely use again."
"This was the 3rd project im working on with Bram. He did such an amazing job again ! Im so pleased to work and finish my musicwith him in a very professional way ready to get the tunes to the plattforms. Thanks so..."
"Once again Mr. Pepe did a wonderful job with my song #Dametumanoamor which is available in all digital platforms for you to listen to his work. Thank you Pepe, I really appreciate all the hard work in detail into ..."
"Had a great experience with Bruno! He provided me with gorgeous strings and a lovely flugelhorn part. Good comms, professional and timely. I would highly recommend Bruno!"
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Dom. He has brilliant ear, a clear sense of what works, a pro set-up and he was efficient, positive and responsive throughout our session. Thank you for the mix Dom"
"Alex has a great ear and cares about your music. Definitely recommend him, he's great at following the details and pouring creativity into each edit. "
"This was my first time working with Cole and not only is he a skilled and super funky guitarist, he's professional and a good communicator. He totally understood my unexpected challenge, was prompt to respond, afforda..."