Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sadfalco77
Signed to 29 Global Public. Mixed and mastered over 500 english and German rap songs of all kinds. Worked on rock, pop and house as well.
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Mix In The Box Online Mixing & Mastering Services
James Delgado is a Los Angeles based, Indie-friendly Producer, Engineer and Songwriter most known for working with both new and established hip-hop and R&B acts such as 6lack, Guapdad 4000, Yung Pinch and more.
I can compose film scores. I can also compose and sing original songs. I'll make sure I don't compromise on quality and give my client the best deal I can.
Hi! My name is Micky and I'm a recording artist, session singer and songwriter.
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I specialize in Alternative hip hop production styles featuring acoustic based instrumentation.
Do you have a rock or metal absolute banger that needs mixing or mastering? Check us out! The Skull Room Studio specializes in rock and metal mixing with the utmost professionalism and commitment!
Recent Successes
"Amazing voice and excellent work. Brandon went beyond with his work and delivered before expected. Will be working with him again!"
"Romy was a pleasure to work with. She has a great voice and is very flexible and open to ideas. She made my remix so much better. Don't pass her up, highly recommended."
"Always great to work with, really quick turnaround and the results excellent."
"Carlos listens and creates Fire!!!!🔥🔥🔥 His timing is on point with the instrumental, enhancing my lyrics. Definitely looking forward to creating more with him!!!! "
"Garrett was super helpful with getting us the masters, which sounded great, and he was able to do so with a very quick turnaround to make sure we were able to meet all of our deadlines!"
"Really professional, easy going and fast. Will come back again for a next track!"
"An amazing person to work with. Extremely professional and consistent with his work. I recommend him to anyone who wants their work to be taken to the next level."
"Once again, Cory was great to work with. He listened to my ideas and made an absolutely stellar arrangement! If you're thinking about hiring him, do it!"
"Victoria really touched my soul when she sang my song. Beautiful voice: I feel both the darkness and the love in it.I think if she would become more experienced as a singer, she could grow into a true professional. "
"Wonderful Mixer! The first mix is already very good and every revision come so fast. Hope to work with Roman again!!"