Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Saccao
Producer with over 10 years of experience.
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Hi, my name is Nathan Drake and I'm a drummer and mix engineer from Austin, TX. I've been mixing since I was 14 and playing drums since I was 16. I played in the rock band, Courrier, for 6 years. When we weren't on the road I was recording, producing, mixing, and mastering our music. I'd love to help you create yours.
Hi, my name is Artyom Semenov. I believe my strong points are my Creativeness and Punctuality. My #1 goal will always be to meet your needs and deadline. When working on a new project, I like to speak with the client, so that I can have a clear understanding of his/her needs and v
Professional studio recorded guitars from strumming to fingerstyle (acoustic, electric, nylon, steel, bass, ukulele) in such genres as indie rock, pop rock, acoustic music, rock, indie, folk, funk.
I am a specialist in producing house music and hiphop beats. Your voice should get a great instrumental! I am your man if you are serching a professional producer and mixing engineer in one person! Write me your ideas and we will make it together!
I am a songwriter/Lyricist and vocalist. I have worked all over the world with many artists in Ireland , Zurich , Berlin and LA. I have worked with many artists as a songwriter and engineer in studios such as Hitmill studios Zurich, Tonscheune Oleak studios Berlin . Send me a message to hear my work and let’s make music
I’m a great engineer that always does a incredible job
I can play anything you want on guitar. If you need guitar parts written or just simply to be played, I'm your guy. I also have plenty of experience writing songs as well as recording vocals. My genre is Rock n' Roll. If you want the best, come to me.
I,m a graduated music producer and a music engineer with 5 years of experience mastering, mixing, recording and producing tracks.
Recent Successes
"Pen game is deadly. Daniel Church brings that venom - very talented writer and singer- very humble - delivered big - very solid vocal rang and ability to control the track I would say at the same level if not better t..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Mella. So professional and talented, she consistently goes the extra mile and makes sure that down to the smallest of details, all of her client's needs are fully met. Whole-heartedly re..."
"If your looking for a quality master look no further well worth the money I'm Impressed I was mastering with capital records and then they shut down there online mastering I was super concerned about finding someone a..."
"Josiah's guitar parts were exactly the sound that I was looking for! Not only that, but he communicated so clearly and promptly throughout the whole project. Highly recommend! "
"Kuyano is simply the best. This is my third time working with him and he continues to provide outstanding work. He gives my songs the energy and professional polish they require to get the best possible sound. Very ha..."
"Ani Klang is a talented engineer. And a true professional in every sense of the word. We have used Ani for two previous projects. We're happy that she will be working on another project of ours this spring. We are als..."
"Fantastic job in mixing/mastering - and way ahead of schedule!"
"As always she is a pro."