Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ryan Fine
Art demands excellence. // With experience touring for major label artists & playing on a wide array of tracks I bring precision, emotion, & intention to guitar session work. I specialize in pop-country, singer-songwriter, funk, R&B, rock, blues, & gospel. I'd love to work with you on your next demo, single, or project! // brandonellismusic.com
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14 years experience in music engineering, playing and production.
I'm the music producer and CEO of 3 Way Recordz. I have doing music for over 12 years. Producing several songs for local artists in my area.
Andre de Brito is an artist, singer, composer, songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist that plays guitars, bass, piano, percussion, sax and drums. His voice is quite distinct, strong and peculiar, possessing a wide vocal register that spans several octaves.
Hello, my name is Reli and I specialize in songwriting, vocal stacking, lead/background vocals and vocal tuning - www.soundcloud.com/relimusic
Unique Analog/Digital Hybrid Mix 30+ years Experience and thousands of songs recorded, I am easy going and can build a sonic experience for the world to enjoy
Placements: UFC, Master Class, America's Got Talent and more...
Label: Cercle, Stil vor Talent & Ki Records | Own Label: NORR | Worked w/: Meute, Verboten Berlin, Gardens of God, Luna Morgenstern | More than 11 million streams on Spotify!
Producer & Engineer with more than 6 years experience, Credits include Neon 16, Sony Music
Recent Successes
"Working with Bernardo is enjoyable and deserves the money he earns. If you work with it you will not regret it. For you, bernardo can do the right thing. The Bernardo personality is respectful, friendly and discipline..."
"At this point she's my go to artist to work with. my muse! Unreal work, always top notch! and oh daaaaaamn the voice! wow! Leave her alone, she's ours !!! :) "
"I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Tim, and absolutely would again. He has a lovely edgy but smooth tone to his voice that just sounds great. Tim was also very fast, communicated really well and provided top notc..."
"Very talented cat. dope skills. this project needed to nail a vibe for a soulful remake. Jamahl was the answer."
"It's a pleasure and an honor to work with Rob. He makes wine from water musically. And he takes time to allow me to pick his brain so that I can optimize my workflow. Thanks again, Rob!"
"Austin did a great job again! He's super talented and great to work with! "
"She always shows up and shows out. My mind never ceases to be amazed with her voice; it's truly magical."
"This is the second song Caleb has played drums on for me. He has always done a great job and has consistently helped to elevate the songs I've given him to a higher level. I am appreciative of his work. "