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Russell Springs Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a music producer / composer / remixer / also a violinist.
Putting my mind into music πΆππ€π
Storyteller with an affinity for music.
I help musician/artist or producer have 20-30% opportunity increase on getting into Official Spotify Playlists GUARANTEED!
Arrangements for Smooth Jazz artists and Big Bands. Will create horn charts or a score for an entire Big Band. Add that amazing fullness to your song that only a well orchestrated chart can bring!
ARIA-charting writer, producer, and engineer with 10M+ Spotify streams. Collaborated with Grammy and ARIA winners, with cuts on major labels like Warner and syncs on Amazon Originals and Netflix. One half of the electronic duo Sumner. Versatile in styles, dedicated to serving the song, and passionate about creating unique, compelling music.
Iann Dior, Lay Bankz, Tyla Yaweh, Kalan.FRFR, G Herbo, JELEEL!, Rucci, Guapdad 4000, Strandz, and more.
Recent Successes
"Great work as always!"
"My first use ever of platforms such as SoundBetter. I feel insanely lucky I met Zach. He's definitely a very good singer, and he's an awesome person as well. Would recommend, 10k%"
"Christopher is super talented, versatile and professional vocalist. I thought he's only a Jazz vocalist but he's much more than that! He can nail down every genre or style. Best vocalist i've worked with on soundbe..."
"If your looking to get proper mastering hit up Tyree. He went back n forth with me a bunch of times to make sure I got the exact sound I was looking for, n as somebody who cares about quality that was perfect. Quick r..."
"Fantastic to work with from the start he knew what needed work and polished my final master. Fabian did an incredible job, and I look forward to working with Fabian again. "
"Meccah really is the best! She delivered another banger of a song for me and she the way she works so fast is actually mind blowing. Looking forward to working with her again "
"Although I've known Mario only briefly, he reached out to share that he saw greater potential in my song. Initially, I was skeptical since I believed the existing master already sounded quite good. However, Mario comp..."