Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with gLohm
Hey there! I’m Rolie Olie, and I'm passionate about mixing and mastering music. Think of me as a kind of musical co-pilot, here to transform your raw tracks (or mixes) into something truly special. My goal: Uncover the heart of your vision and bring it to life through sound, with the same care as if I were working with a close friend.
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Im singer/songwriter/producer in Cali ready to work, i get compared to Pharrell Williams alot.
Belgium-based music producer/composer with over 17 years of experience. Worked with artists like Avicii, Daft Punk, Stray Kids, Iggy Azalea, Deadmau5, Rita Ora and many more. Released on labels like Universal, Sony, Warner, Spinnin',... Damian also mentors emerging talent, shaping the next wave of producers.
Winer of Adam Audio Sound Track Competition 2016 , Mixed And Mastered Full traditional Greece music album for Yunaman Band from Spain .. AND Ep of the rock fusion band Maghnatees ..
Hey Clermont, if you're looking for affordable recording and producing, I'd love to help you get your tracks into existence; I'm an artist/producer in the Clermont/Minneola area offering affordable rates to produce your tracks! Comfortable setting and I'm happy to beat any price. Feel free to contact me with any inquiries
I offer an extinct, unique, and substance-filled style of rhyming and lyricism. Also, I'm equipped with an extensive vocabulary and the cultural/social awareness necessary to produce relevant "have to hear it 5 times to be able to appreciate it" material consistently.
Songwriter with more than three albums to his name, including songs such as "Ave Maria", "I Love You, Always", "If You Were Mine" and "A Sign of Peace".
Hello, I'm a flutist, percussionist and traditional singer from Poland, currently living in Helsinki. I have over twenty years experience being on stage, collaborating with many jazz, blues, folk and traditional musicians from all around the world. I have performed music in Poland, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania, Austria, Mali and many more.
Estudiante de música y especializado en producción musical, beatmaker desde los 13 años, puedo tener 3 instrumentales en un día.
Recent Successes
"Sean is just the consummate professional. Not only an incredible player (obviously), but also ready and willing to go in a different direction if I need him to--as I did here, because I wasn't as sure about the feel I..."
"Jay did another fantastic job on my song! He completely understands my vision and executes it exactly how I want. He worked efficiently and exceeded my expectations! One of the best on here"
"Ben is a super talent! Really easy to work with, always making the best out of everything and sings like a super star! I can highly recommend Ben for both songwriting and singing!!"
"Tyler did an excellent job on our vocals with tuning! I am very critical in details, but he did it excellent, perfect! Worth every cent..thank you bro for this we're in love with it.."
"Joseph was really attentive to addressing all of my feedback and got the song to the exact place I wanted it to be! So happy with what he produced and would definitely hire him again. "
"Really love May's voice! She did an awesome job on my track, in a very short time, I highly recommend her work! :)"
"exceeded expectations! high quality skill, good price and quick turnaround. nice communication too - job well done fosho "
"Julian was amazing to work with on a last-minute request I had for an electronic track I was working on -- super quick turnaround, an ear for details, and an all-around great guitar player. Would highly recommend for ..."
"Alex was extremely easy to work with when he helped me out with a sax-hook for my new EDM-song. He was kind, fast and he added extra layers and variations that I didn't even expect to begin with. Really excited about ..."