Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rowan Drake
I'm a classically-trained pianist who will add flair and sophistication to your track, no matter what genre you need! I specialize in anything from pop to electronic, jazz to R&B, hip-hop to indie, rock to jazz. My purpose in music is to tell stories, share emotions and expression, and pursue social change.
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Sup to All, My name is Jay Bee...I am a producer, writer, and MC. I am here to build and exchange with a like-minded community of individuals. No matter what your connection to this industry is, from Djing to Engineering. I firmly affirm and believe we are all related which makes us an extended family!
I've self taught myself 11 different instruments, including being one of the top trumpeters in my state for my age.
Hello my name is Brodie T. I'm an audio engineer and a producer from Melbourne,Australia. i can do most genres but i specialise in trap/pop . I look forward to working with you
Established producer and songwriter specialising in production, mixing, songwriting and top lining. Once a touring artist, I am now a full-time producer at Holywell Studio, London. I have years of experience in top lining during my touring days. Now at my own studio, I produce, mix and master my own music and would love to help with yours!
I want to create an immersive and personal experience for your listeners; to make them feel as if they were in the same room with you, playing your most popular song. Making music, especially with others, is my favorite thing to do. I understand it's difficult to bring a brilliant idea to fruition. I believe I can help with this process.
I am a 1500 Sound Academy alum who received a scholarship from James Fauntleroy and worked as the executive assistant to Larrance Dopson, now on my own journey as an artist featured on projects from Problem (Jason Martin), and MRCL. I have learned the ins-and-outs of music and songwriting and want to share my talents to help elevate others as well.
If your looking for someone to grow with sonically and who can guide you on how to get the best quality audio I'd love to talk to you!
Music Producer, Audio Engineer and Sound Designer with over 6 years of experience. My main goal is to help artists and creators express themselves and share their projects with the world.
Recent Successes
"Aubrey, an excellent singer with charming voice. Thank God for letting us meet her. We have worked together for some beautiful songs and won't miss every chance to work with her!"
"Nate is the best! He really helped my idea become solid and it turned out great with his help."
"I don't know if I've met anyone who is as quick and abundant with the creative ideas as Michael. I LOVE the fact that he can approach a song numerous ways naturally and deliver great performances. He's super versatil..."
"It was a pleasure working with HILL, can't think of a better mastering engineer for my sound and my project. I will come back for sure with my next project! :)"
"Mark is an absolute LEGEND!! Hands down my favourite producer I've worked with. He worked on my project, with so much enthusiasm and passion! He completley exceeded my expectations and brought my vision to life!! He b..."
"Excellent as always!"
"Man Jnone is that guy!!! Talk about perfect execution, with a taste of soul and originality that is all Jnone! I explained the concept the vision of the project and he instantly picked up on the heart of the project! ..."
"An amazing story in the making……something very special about instrumentals Truly magnificent "