Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rovio
Eclectic music ranging from Ambient, Cinematic, Jazz to Heavy genres. Sounds beyond imagination.
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Adam Gogomoka is an experienced Audio Engineer, with a Diploma in Audio Engingeering from SAE institute.
I am a professional singer who has 3 albums with my previous band Dolapdere Big Gang, and 1 solo album, "Back Home" which you can listen to on spotify and itunes, also videos on youtube. I am also a mixing engineer and I have worked in a lot of projects as a mixing engineer. As a vocal coach, vocal comping and tuning are also my strong points.
#1's, Millions of streams & radio play worldwide with Carl Cox, Nicole Maudaber, ABGT, Armin Van Buurin's ASOT
Multi-Platinum-Songwriter, Singer and Producer. AJ is one of the most "sort after" individuals in the industry, approached by many major labels. AJ has been involved in a great capacity with multiple European number one records, Gold certified and even multi-platinum certified records. AJ is also a highly streamed artist too!
Hi, I'm Roz. I'm an Australian full-time vocalist, songwriter, and music producer who works from a professionally equipped studio in Berlin. I inject passion, soul and emotion into every project I do. Communication is key! Get in touch to discuss how we can bring your vision to life :)
My philosophy is this: nothing is off limits, experimentation is necessary, and living outside of the box is standard.
Gate io Referans Kodu
Eclectic music ranging from Ambient, Cinematic, Jazz to Heavy genres. Sounds beyond imagination.
Recent Successes
"Well done Mix done by B.Stelle. Proud to hear the elevation he brought to my sound. Thanks Benny!"
"Cameron is an incredible musician. Again, another great job The quality and the speed of his delivery is top notch. Recommended !"
"David is such a great guy. It is not only great writing skills and a unique vocal - it is also always super smooth to work with him. Until next time!"
"Wouho, What an amazing experience to work with Denny ! He brought to my sound exactly what it needed ! He listened the exact direction i wanted to go and translated it perfectly ! Thank you again for your awesome work ! "
"Austin is one of the best i have ever worked with. He took our song to a whole new level with his mix / master. Highly recommend him! Thank you so much for a great job Austin."
"Had so much fun with JT!! What a talented guy! He is one of the few people who are so gifted- it's hard to believe! Very happy he is here on soundbetter! Fantastic songwriter and amazing singer. In all the process and..."
"It’s very cool and an honor to have the opportunity to collaborate with such an experienced musician as Phil. Good communication and he quickly delivered great tracks to my project. "
"Julian is one of my favorite singers. Perfection. Huge talent and great communication. Future projects with him for sure"
"Great result and quick turnaround. I'm happy!"
"High quality mix & master, delivered super fast"