Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rosali
I am a Los Angeles based engineer and multi-instrumentalist offering professionally engineered overdubs on pedal steel, lap steel, dobro, weissenborn, banjo, slide + electric guitar, acoustic and classical guitar. I make the process fun and easy and will work with you help deliver whatever the song needs.
More providers:
well I write songs and I can pretty much write for any genre but I prefer pop and r&b . When writing I would like you to give me songs to reference to lyric wise. I would like you to supply me with a beat, but if you don't have one no pressure.
I add direction to your sound. Tell me what you want and lets focus in. Soundbetter feels like it's trying to box some shit in. Tell me your vision, send me your music, ill share my vision and lets create together. Peace. www.palisadestudios.com
Talentshot Boiz record label
I am a Los Angeles based engineer and multi-instrumentalist offering professionally engineered overdubs on pedal steel, lap steel, dobro, weissenborn, banjo, slide + electric guitar, acoustic and classical guitar. I make the process fun and easy and will work with you help deliver whatever the song needs.
MotionForMusic is the motion design service specializing in the Music Industry. We put ideas into motion graphics. Working with the most famous labels like Sony Music, Universal Music, or Altafonte. +10 years doing motion graphics specialized in the Entertainment Industry. We have prepared thousands of campaigns for the most famous Latin artists.
I have been songwriting for 10+ and have a degree in Creative Writing & Literature. I have studied what makes for compelling and powerful writing and apply this everyday as a singer-songwriter myself.
Critically acclaimed and award-winning songwriter, lyricist and vocalist available for any genre. Can record own vocals remotely and collaborate on songwriting, particularly topline/lyrics.
I'm a seasoned session and live musician who has been performing & recording for over 25 years. My playing focuses on delivering the perfect accompaniment for your song with an emphasis on groove, feel, texture and sensitivity. My desire is to provide something that enhances the song without distracting from the main focal point.
Recent Successes
"Art was incredibly professional and did not rest until I was 100% satisfied with the mix for both of my productions. Great engineer and incredible person to work with. 5 stars."
"This was my first time working with Cc and she was wonderful! Professional, talented and really interested in giving you exactly what you as the producer were looking for. Great vocal range as well. Easily handled a d..."
"Fantastic nylon guitar player! The round, gentle, beautiful sound, and the hight quality recording and smooth communications. She gave me the sound what I want perfectly. I really thank her very much. Highly recommend!"
"Amazing at what she does. Comes up with great melody’s. "
"Chad was a great engineer to work with. I plan on staying in touch with him and working with him on more of my projects. Very patient and understanding. Even with recording noobs. He was nice enough to let me touch up..."
"The best choice in SoundBetter! Fast response and very professional work. I'm sure I'll work with Jonas again Strongly recommends!"
"Excellent performance and communication. Very flexible and willing to provide a variety of comps with different perspectives. Would book again!"
"Vanja did deliver so fast and with such good quality. I'm very impressed"
"It was excellent working with Nelly TGM. She is very easy to work with and her communication was top notch. It was the first time for me working with original vocals so any questions I had she was very honest and deta..."
"Maria does beautiful work, has an excellent ear and gives really good feedback. She's a pleasure to work with."