Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Romain DBE
Experienced Producer-Artist-Songwriter working with both indie and major label artists. Over a decade of experience. Background in many genres, from Hyperop to Hip-Hop to Indie Pop. Notable features of mixing style: Details brought forward, airy and present top end, scooped mids, wide bass.
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Sound designer and mixing engineer, with experience in advertising, series and films.
Producer and mixing engineer with over 6 years of experience. Over 300k Streams. Released on Revealed Records etc.
Making music should be fun, exciting, and inspiring - let me help you make your vision come to life, make your records sound amazing, and make the process as easy and enjoyable as it can possibly be.
The recording studio is a great passion that I have specialized in over 20 years
I work fast with great result!
You need a subpar producer? Go find one cuz I'm better than that.
Remote Mixing and Mastering engineer with half a decade experience working in the Boston/NYC indie/rock/electronic scene, with both national and international artists.
I will make custom, royalty free R&B/Trapsoul Samples fully mixed, arranged and with track stems provided.
Recent Successes
"Her voice complimented my track very well"
"Great communication! Fast and reliable! I firmly recommend him"
"Simon is incredibly talented. He's a great producer, he's got lots of good ideas, and worked with me through the production and creative process. Would highly recommend working with Simon, and I certainly plan to wo..."
"Working with Tomer is a guarantee of sound quality + perfect improvisation style; I have plenty of tunes for this excellent musician. Tomer works fast with quality and feeling."
"Gabe is an outstanding producer. You would be lucky to work with him. He's got gorgeous taste, is super musical and has the versatility to find the sound you're after. He is a total find. I have done one song with..."
"We are a Country group located in Norway. Used Simon for making tracks on a Country/folk song . We can not say anything else that we are very satisfied. Good communication and Simon are very professional. Recommend..."
"Brian always comes in great sounds and ideas. Love working with this dude and will continue to do so!"
"I've worked with Stefan a few times now on a few different tracks and can honestly say he's got an incredible voice. His tone is amazing. He is always really easy to work with and a lot of fun.He was always happy to..."