Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Roger Tomhave
I'm a singer/songwriter and I've learned through years of experience how to record and produce my own projects. I play keyboards and acoustic guitar. I love making songs feel and sound like records.
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Musical Production, recording, mixing and mastering Help you find your sound and style getting a high quality product Musical Production, recording, mixing and mastering, remote work. We help you find your own sound and style, fully exploit your artistic talent
Peace & Love! The work speaks for itself. Percussionist, Drummer, Emcee, Songwriter, Vocalist, Producer, & so on... I love all that I do & do it well. Allow me to share a bit with you. I'm only a click away!
'The multi-instrumentalist is something of a prodigy [...] his work [is] pop rooted in electronics, dexterous of production and graceful of melody.' (Clash Magazine)
From r&b, alternative, to hip-hop to punk rock....I can add whatever you need to any project! From guitar, piano or vocals, I've got you.
Over the past 10 years I've worked with a wide variety of artists in different genres across the board helping them get that complete, professional, radio-ready sound they've been looking for. With my workflow, knowledge of audio engineering and ability to work under pressure I'm able to provide high quality work in a timely manner.
Competitive pop mixes to make you stand out in the industry.
ProTools Specialist, Music Passionate, every genre
Recent Successes
"easiest person ive encountered to work with. more than happy to assist you in all ways possible and fits right into the category youd desire. chad is a really talented and work devoted sound engineer. 10/10!"
"I will say this again.. Look. No. Further. Amazing turnaround time and goes the extra mile to make it sound right!"
"Jeffrey is a hidden gem on here. Drums are a tough ask for remote sessions in my experience, but not in this case. He has fantastic gear (drums + studio setup) - easily among the top I've come across on here, and he's..."
"Jen Leigh here on Soundbetter recommended Shawn, man, was she right. He can groove. Very fast and efficient as well as funky"
"My very first time having a song professionally mixed and mastered. I couldn’t be happier with the service Jimbo provided - everything was done very speedily and the results were outstanding."
"Excelente cantante Juan David, muy contento con los resultados, le dio un mejor feeling a la canción que no me lo esperaba; muchas gracias."
"Craig provided me with an excellent live recording of an upright bass part I had written for a quirky, whimsical track I was working on. He was very quick to respond to my initial enquiry, patient while I prepared th..."