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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with rockstarsupernova
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International music producer and a Dj, Now you can get my best sound at your service. Master at house music production. Deep, Tech, Classic, Progressive, Tribal and Circuit.
I am a professional vocalist/songwriter who has been working in the industry for over 5 years.
We enhance your artistic vision and always provide a dynamic and musical mastering.
I have been a pro guitarist for 20+ years in the Tri-State area, playing many different styles and I am now bringing all of my experiences to help singers and songwriters complete their projects from my home studio.
I'll keep it simple, I want to mix your music to the modern standard set by bands like ERRA, Invent Animate, Humanity's Last Breath, and Thrown.
I am a classicaly trained composer, orchestrator, arranger and producer from İstanbul. I create orchestral arrangements for songs and create orchestral/cinematic tracks.
I love making music for myself I absolutely crave it and I do it for others also. I've been doing it for friends and family and others since I was 12, it's truly my gift, Very passionate about these things, making the best out of any situation of topic or genre for male or female.
¡Hola! Soy Gloria Méndez, compositora, letrista y psicóloga con una profunda conexión con la música y la emoción. Como artista multifacética, toco el piano, la guitarra y canto, lo que me permite abordar cada proyecto musical con una perspectiva única y completa.
Recent Successes
"A lot to say about Ashely, Amazing singer & songwriter So talented, got exactly what I was looking for!! Very friendly and always respond quick."
"Gosteffects continues to impress me. I absolutely trust him with my mixes. "
"It was great working with Doug. His works met my expectation—very high-quality vocal recording, fast response, and easy to communicate. I highly recommended her to new customers. I will for sure work with him again in..."
"Another Great Song with G!"
"Mason is the "secret sauce" vocalist I've been searching for! These tracks are pristine! (You'd expect that from Nashville.) But, in addition – Mason always knows exactly how to interpret a lyric to make it more than ..."
"S.One is such a talented producer. Was great to work with. Very professional and communicates with you to make sure he is creating your vision. Delivered my exact vision. Will not be the last time I work with him! "
"Not the first time having Brandon knock the vocals out of the park, and just kill it!!!! Super Responsive to work with and never an issue with anything not lining up. Always a quality clean recording of the lead VOX ..."