Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Roberto Zambia
Hi I'm SMK, Music producer, Sound Engineer, Label Owner and Artist. Afrobeat, Dancehall and Pop type of music is my thing. My top credits are Lil Baliil, and Isma IP, two popular Somali artists. Two of my biggest releases have hit over 700k and 1M YouTube streams. I have a Recording Studio in Berlin and work with artists globally.
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We Are A Solid Hip Hop Music Company. We Produce Beats, Record Vocals And Mix & Master Songs. Our In-House Producer Handles It With His 17 Years Of Experience. We Work Professionally, Fast Then Deliver Works Within Deadlines. We Are HEARTZ & SOULZ. Credits: Big Shug (Gang Starr), Access Immortal, Admiral, EMF Black, And Many More.
Spending a lot of time and money but not getting results? Award winning producer and mixer with a money-back guarantee for remote producing and mixing. Reasonably low prices for higher quality music.
Hi! Let's take your music to the next level! I'll mix it, master it and even produce your beat if you want to. I've worked mostly with smaller projects so far, so let's create something awesome and grow together! I'm Tiago Castro, nice to meet you!
I am an Electronic music producer and artist with over 200 million streams across all platforms and over 7 years of experience in music production, mixing, and mastering!
I'm open and mostly innovative oriented. my averta works best
My forte is my ability to perform with various lutes beyond the guitar. My foundation is in Flamenco/ Classical but I have transferred those skills to many types of lutes. The lute you see in the image below is a Baglama from Turkey. Most people can not make use these kinds of instruments (baglama, oud, cumbus) do to the microtones.
Chick Corea--"Greg Smith has a warmth to his playing and his sound that is unique. His phrasing caresses you like a hug from an old friend."
Rafael Delgado is one of the most active explorers and promoters of the cello in Latin American popular music. He has participated in more than 150 recording productions of folklore, tango, Afro-Peruvian music, pop and rock, among which stand out: La Grela Quinteto de Tango, Hernán Crespo, Vuela Chiringa, Georgina Hassan and Rafael Delgado Sexteto.
Recent Successes
"Working with Nacho has been an absolute pleasure. He carefully listened to what kind of vocals I needed and gave me exactly what I wanted and even more! I asked for powerful and raw vocals and that’s exactly what ..."
"Return customer and will definitely be returning again and again... So smooth and musical. A genuine craftsman, with tremendous skill and feel. So musical, makes that bass sing.... Return customer for drum work as wel..."
"Kara did a fantastic job, able to follow any which way of instruction - whether it's a score, demo or just a vague description - and interpret what you need to a tee. "
"Super talented / easy to work with. Turned around the project within an hour or so! Damvic is highly recommended."
"Kelley delivered both an incredible performance and harmony composition! She was a joy to work with and added so much depth to the song. Highly recommend, and hope to work with her again in the future!"
"For this one, I was apprehensive about where this might go as I can get very stuck on a more old school R&B vibe. But Kevin delivered this fresh take and I really like it!!"
"Another perfect vocal! She was so kind and fit me in her busy schedule, so grateful! Always knows the right vibe, the right tone, the right emotion to give her vocals. Amazing!"