Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Robert Navajas
Lead guitar player for the legendary death metal band Cancer and a prolific solo artist with many albums that showcase his versatility and technical prowess. Now, Robert channeling his vast experience into the world of music production by launching a professional mixing and mastering service, designed for both up-and-coming and established acts.
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Audio engineer based out of Los Angeles, CA.
Hey! My name is Nandes, thank you for checking out my page fellow creator! I am a Los Angeles (Compton) CA bred artist and songwriter eager to bring your vision to life through lyrics! I know exactly how important your work is to you, as a artist as well so you can be sure that I will treat your project with the care and attention to details!
Currently I am a very busy Jazz singer performing at over 100 shows per year. Previously, I owned and operated a commercial recording studio in the 90's; I sold it to pursue freedom and cool projects. I also manage the rock band Crystal Lady from St. Louis, MO.
Recording and Mixing Engineer
Sorkin Media Solutions
Con un lápiz pa' escribir y un bote pa' pintar.
Music producer from Serbia that specializes in Alt Metal, Alt Rock and Hip hop.
Need someone who just gets it? Been engineering for 18 years, producing since I was 5 years old.
Recent Successes
"austin is not just a great engineer ,he is also a great person working with him was easy ang great "
"Awesome guy doing a fantastic job. An absolute pro delivering high quality work! Thanks a lot, man!"
"Philip is a professional in the field, highly recommended! :)"
"Sascha did a great job for me with delicate effects and sophisticated details on drums and percussions. He is a friendly guy and easy to communicate with. "
"I had a feeling Kafé would be the perfect choice for this song. Through his beautiful guitar-arrangments he took my demo to a whole new level. He listened and tried out my idéas but all in all I didn ´t have to do m..."
"Una chulada! Beautiful and clean piano quality. His way to adapt to what you need is just perfect. Presents to you right what you wanted. Un chingon y una berga bien hecha mi compa 🤘🏻"
"Outside of her immense knowledge and skill, I also found Michelle to be incredibly careful and generous. She knew exactly how to take the a kernel of an idea and turn it into something more fully developed and polish..."
"Jaki has a great voice but above all a lot of patience in supporting projects. For each project she has always brought her contribution. "