Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rob Martini
With 25 years of experience in Country, Pop, Rock, Broadway, Jazz, Singer-Songwriter, R&B and everything in between I will add strong lead or background vocals to your project to make it shine! My clients come to me for my versatility, strong vocals, and fast and professional service.
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I specialize in providing subtle and tasteful vocal pitch correction. I'm a Berklee trained producer & musician with perfect pitch and 15 years of experience. Vocals are the most important part of the mix in nearly every song - make sure they get the time and care they deserve. Take advantage of my low rates now while I build my online portfolio!
I am an Recording Artist / Ghostwriter I have been recording for over 12yrs and Ghostwriting for 9+ yrs
NYC based Bass Player. I have years of experience playing live and in the studio. I specialize in World Music. Mostly Indian, Latin and Asian Music. I acquired my skills while playing with amazing international artists like RINI (India), Simona Smirnova (Lithuania), Gary Shaw(Taiwan), Shakithi (India) etc.
RIAA Platinum certified remixer and music producer of the global hit “Call on Me” by Starley. If you’re looking for some fresh beats for your existing vocals, or want your existing song remixed completely different. I’m your guy! I work in the pop / dance / house music space, but can produce pretty much any genre to brief :)
You've worked hard on your mix... the kick, snare, vocal and bass are sitting where they should. Everything vibes but it needs to be elevated to commercial levels while retaining depth, punch, space and clarity. My goal is to elevate your mix to satisfy your vision. Mastering shouldn't redefine your work, it should actualize it.
Want some EDM or Pop Radio Bangers? Or even some Mix or Master for your tracks? I can give you the right service for You.
Soy Franco Aravena, Productor y compositor music, me gradué en el Instituto Profesional Arcos, he trabajado en proyectos diversos como composición y producción de música urbana, composición de música cinematográfica y/o ambiental. Muchos de mis proyectos propios están disponibles en las diversas plataformas digitales.
Mix And Master, Underground West Coast Analog style.
Recent Successes
"Excellent turnaround in producing my track 'It's Christmas' in time for Christmas! Made time for my song amidst a very busy schedule, including travel abroad. Excellent detail and character across mixing with a partic..."
"Robert nailed it first try delivering an inspired melody on my beats, turning a couple of ideas into a pop dance hit in just one day. Talented dude, strongly recommended!"
"Jason has studied his craft and is more than capable in producing the musicianship you are looking for. He is professional and delivers quickly within an exceptional time frame. I would definitely use him again."
"Another great job, love working with Denny! Completed quickly and at the highest quality you can imagine. Looking forward to the next one!"
"Kimera is incredible. As you can hear, she's super talented, and can nail whatever style you throw her way. Also, I was also very impressed with her promptness. I'm excited to work with her again -- Highly recommended!"
"He always gives the best results in a very quick turn around time. "
"4th time working with Nicky. Dude is a legend. "
"Brian Donohoe Gave Me The Special Treatment For My Remake Of "Ye Yo" by Erykah Badu! Excellent!"
"Sounds great, as usual!"