Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rik Priem's Prime
For great cool hot guitars on your project(s), I am your man!
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The fanciest producer in Austin. Quality over quantity. Local acts to Jimmy Kimmel band. Family style atmosphere. Not the "McDonalds" of studios.
Audio Engineer, Producer, Classical Pianist, Drummer. SAE Institute Graduate 2012.
Dynamic and creative professional with experience in sound, recording, music production, radio production and radio broadcasting.
Let me turn your raw tracks and polish them into a professional standard. Whether recorded at a studio or at your home your song will be radio ready! Please listen to my samples and see if these are what you are into!
Producer mix and mastering engineer
Audio production service business, providing audio for radio and television commercials with both industrial and sales narrations, audio and/or video training tapes
"CALLER iD*’s Mission is as an artist is to relay to the youth that phones and technology have an effect on anxiety and depression. CALLER iD* is an imaginative character who is trying to figure out how to identify himself while being in a toxic relationship with the internet. In a way, the internet has become the only way for him to identify.
Producer & mix engineer for Die Antwoord
Recent Successes
"Jeff took the original mixes that he worked on and added just the right amount of shine in mastering all 16 tracks. As an unsigned band trying to make a mark Jeff has provided the perfect starting point for our first ..."
"Philip was awesome! Kind, professional, quick, detailed. Couldn't recommend him enough. Will definitely be back in the future. Thank you!"
"If you need good quality Organ or keyboard session work I highly recommend Paul Kempf for the job! He laid down his ideas in the first take and it sparked more ideas for me, which I asked him could he do some more tak..."
"I keep coming back because Fred does quick and great work! Another one in the books."
"Has been helping get my track mastered and across the finish line!"
"Kyle did a wonderful job of giving me many drum preview tracks to choose from, and it will be a joy to mix them into my song! He is quick to respond, and fast to deliver - so appreciated! "
"Jack did a phenomenal job mixing Marrow. He brought some creative ideas to the song and glued it together. Excited to continue working with Jack!"
"Super punctuate as usual! Good quality of work!"
"L. produced a beat from my song demo! He completed beat within the time frame he set. He understood my vision and goal for the song. He delivered. Definitely recommend!!"