Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rico Da G
Mixing & Mastering engineer
Denille "EchoBeats" Hampton, S Forest Ave & E 105th Stfavorite_borderfavoriteI have recorded and mixed for a numbers of local artists in the chicago area, from genres of hip hop & r&b, jazz, psychedelic funk. Artist from Young Vet, Rico da G, Yung Dave, Natureboi Mello, Davante, Dopeboy Kenny etc. Just to name a few. All my clients i have recorded their songs and mix, then mastered them as well.
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everyone can find its unique sound. my goal is to develop it
Producer of Trap, Wave, Neo Trance, Future garage, Neo Freestyle and DJ for Innrsky Radio on DiFM linktr.ee/innrsky
I love to create. Whether I am writing music or poems, I am most happy when I am creating. I practice this passion a lot. I turn the boring sidewalks and exteriors of buildings into playgrounds with Parkour and everyday sounds and words into a rhythmic melody. I'm always thinking and looking at things differently. Lets see what we can create!
I will deliver crisp, clear and full mixes. Radio ready.
composer/producer/arranger in pop, classical, electronica and ambient genres
Grammy Award Mixing Engineer.
Production works of mine have been featured in an ABC TV Drama, aired on Triple J radio, and landed in 5 different Spotify curated playlists.
Eidref is an Aspiring Rap Artist from Cavite, Philippines
Recent Successes
"Such a pleasure to work with Hugo. He knew exactly how to get the sound I was looking for and made it better than I could have imagined. He is amazing! "
"Marcello is very professional in his approach to the music. He wants to get a good result as well as you do. He doesn't hesitate to take the extra mile and he will push your song to where you want it to be. Just commu..."
"John Armstrong over delivered a high quality mix and sound. And was very easy to worth with throughout the process he over communicated. "
"This is my third time working with MariaGrig. She is such a skilled player and highly professional collaborator. She will take your songs to another level. On this project, she provided me exactly what I asked for and..."
"Mr. Mig is a musical wizard. He can make every part of your song sound better. The before and after are outstandingly different! Don't skip the final mix and master from Mr. Mig. It's crucial! 5 stars every time!"
"You have made our first lady of pop a very happy and thankful artist -we can not wait to get this track to radio - thanks again Nate you are the most amazingly talented producer and remixer - love your work"
"Julian is absolutely amazing! Super patient and willing to get it just right for you. Couldn't be happier :)"
"Vana was quick and professional, and has a beautiful voice. I would definitely work with her again."
"Brittany did a fabulous job on my country song, providing lead and backing vocals with a heartfelt and thoughtful approach to the music. I look forward to working with her again soon and I highly recommend her for you..."