Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rheez
Looking to elevate your sound? With over 500,000 streams worldwide and years of industry experience, I offer professional mixing and mastering services tailored to bring your music to life. Based in London, UK, I’ve worked with artists across multiple genres including Hip-Hop, R&B, and Soul, helping them achieve polished, dynamic, and professional-
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Maxim Komov is an Cyprus-based mixing / mastering engineer, music producer and sound designer. In the past 20 years I work for rock and pop artists all around the world.Working on every project in-depth with my own strategies I tend to give your track all the details and power you hear on your favorite hit records.
Freelance composer/percussionist/pianist/audio editor based in Berlin, Germany, specialised in soundtrack composition and dialogue audio editing.
A versatile professional singer with a “Distinctive Sound.” Hear what I'm about!
Nominated for a JUNO for best World Music Album 'PATRIA' 2021- MAZACOTE BAND.
We make sure We deliver to you what is best and nothing less!
Creating beats & songs for 10 years, hunting unique sounds and never afraid to experiment with radically different approaches.
Simeon is a true world class mixer, unlike others. One who makes records that have THAT sound. We call it 'Spirit Soul' It's what all elite mixers have; With Simeon's patented 'Spirit Soul' technology, your music will be brought to LIFE. Get access to the hit mixes you need to make the career of your dreams.
Looking to elevate your sound? With over 500,000 streams worldwide and years of industry experience, I offer professional mixing and mastering services tailored to bring your music to life. Based in London, UK, I’ve worked with artists across multiple genres including Hip-Hop, R&B, and Soul, helping them achieve polished, dynamic, and professional-
Recent Successes
"Too good...she breathes life into your song..you will rewind many times!"
"Smashing job as usual. The master of mastering! Hire this man."
"Don was great to work with. He is an excellent producer, songwriter and engineer and works fast. I plan to work with him more in the future!"
"It has been such a pleasure to work with Richard.. His great work ethic and amazing voice are a winning combination!"
"Mastered track sounds great! Thank you!"
"Roger is a very passionate and extremely gifted musician with a rare gift of following music by ear which is very helpful. Equally, he is very committed and professional which is very much appreciated!Looking forward ..."
"Loved working with Betty. She gave me a lot of new perspective on the song I’ve been working on. "
"Bruce "Codak" Carter is the MAN!! He did an amazing job taking our ideas and creating an incredible vocal! He was professional, fast and a joy to work with! We would highly recommend him, and we look forward to workin..."
"TRUTH delivered another gem for our latest collaboration. Working with her is a such a pleasure and the results are amazing--so much talent. Give TRUTH a try, you will NOT be disappointed!"
"Jerry did fast bassoon work for me, even gave me a copy before I was able to get him a click track. Well done!"
"Wow! What a voice, what an arranger of vocals, and a pleasure to work with. Morgane is absolutely brilliant and I'm so grateful to have found her."