Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with RÉV.zrt
Techno & hard music genres specialist. Get your tracks sounding loud and clear with digital mastering. Over 1 000 tracks mastered.
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Sound / Beats / Vision Berlin based music producer and interdisciplinary artist, born in Mexico City.
"The most important thing I've learned over the years is that a good mix is all about two things - excitement and vibe. whether it’s pop, heavy rock or a ballad, it’s all about finding out what makes each song exciting and compelling and to build the mix around that".
With over 10 million record sales, several Dove Awards, and Grammy nominations to my name, I've spent 20+ years perfecting my craft to help artists bring their musical visions to life. Whether you're an emerging artist or a seasoned professional, I aim to deliver mixes that capture the essence of your sound and amplify it.
Multi-Genre engineer based in Birmingham, UK. Offering affordable and free revisions
Studio45 SEO Company in Ahmedabad
Transform your music from raw tracks to polished perfection with a professional mixing engineer who specializes in Hip Hop, Trap, Pop & Reggaeton but has also worked with Punk, Rock, Techno, and other genres . Let me help you bring your music to life and make it stand out in today's crowded music industry!
I'm specialized in composing and arranging top quality piano/keyboard tracks
I create 'living', immersive soundscapes of spaces real and imagined for video games and films. Tracks can be tailored for the environment in question, and created using a combination of recordings, synths and samples.
Recent Successes
"He's quick and fly! loved working with you!"
"Darren completed yet another great vocal project. He also took time to go above and beyond and do a little bit of extras. Always great and always appreciated."
"Todas las Estrellas, porque fueron bien pacientes, comprencibles, comunicadores y profecionales. Los Duros 💪⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ahi las 10 ESTRELLAS."
"Third time I work with Craig, and he's an amazing musician. He made 3 takes playing what I wrote and 2 more free, really happy with what he delivered, I highly recommend to work with him :)"
"Another fantastic master from Fabian! Love the articulation and clarity that he brings to the tracks with his STEM mastering! Will def be back for more! highly recommend!"
"Suvi did a great job on my project. Very unique vocalist! Thanks Suvi."
"You can use VST drums or drum machines, or you can have the real deal, 1000% better by Gal. Continued fabulous tracks and he turned this around in 24 hours or less. Awesome!"