Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Respect Victoria
A Melbourne-based screen composer, songwriter, string arranger and producer.
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I am a mastering engineer located in Seattle Washington. I have affordable rates, great equipment, and I promise you professional results.
10 years of doing professional audio work from my studio.
Naturally meticulous, I produce truly transparent mixes from my West London studio. Hip-hop, RnB, Trap, Grime & PODCASTS - Let's work!
Production studio based in Savona in Italy, home of many talented producers, which offers 360° top quality music services, from music production to social media management.
Meet Manuel, a highly versatile and exceptional audio engineer who thrives in various genres. From Hip Hop and Rap to Electronic, EDM, Pop, and Rock, Manuel has the ability to mix and master any style of music, showcasing his remarkable adaptability. His goal with each mix is to bring out more emotion and power from your music to your audience.
I will mix and master your song to high-quality industry streaming standards. I can produce your next hit record.
Aldair Castelo Artista Productor Músical Music producer
Writing music (Folk, Jazz,..), playing, recording and mixing music too.
Recent Successes
"I love working with Greg. His ideas are always really fresh and original, he's very friendly and he really knows his stuff when it comes to guitar tone."
"It was a pleasure working with Manny. He’s patient, talented & respectful. I love his stylistic expertise. I’m very proud of the track that we’ve created together! "
"Sam was great to work with. He mixed some songs on my upcoming album that are really close to my heart. Very accommodating and professional and knew how to get the sound we needed."
"In truth, when I came across Anastasia I stopped looking because I really loved both the timbre and emotion in her voice. She threw herself into my project wholeheartedly and I so got everything I could have imagined..."
"Thomas did some excellent work producing a really cool beat! 10/10 recommend this guy! "
"This man literally showed up, and in a swift movement touched my record with his expertise and turned it into Gold!Thank you man I see why M.J. chose you! :) Thank you S.B. for connecting me with such talent !!! "
"As always super helpful and talented "
"Another AMAZING job done by Michael, who, again, brought his A game and gave me lots of fantastic guitar tracks!!! "