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Reggaeton Remixing who worked with #reggaeton
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I'm a session/touring guitarist and keyboard player based out of Nashville, TN. I'm studying music business and audio engineering at Belmont University.
KM Entertainment is a Digital Branding Agency based in Nashville, TN that provides Digital Distribution and Music Branding. We provide the sonic character to visual stories - original music and sound design for films, commercials, games, interactive presentations, and websites.
I offer a professional service for mastering electronic music at an affordable price. Specialized in techno and industrial, I also offer mastering services for pop, rock and jazz. For mixing or remixing jobs, please contact me for info.
In-demand session pianist, composer, and producer for such artists as Chris Brown and Tyga. I can record real acoustic grand piano, any keyboard/synth, accordion on your music, or help you with arranging, producing, or composing your song.
Hi, I'm Nando, your Vocal Coach, and my job is to help you get your voice in its best shape ever! I'm a Choirs Conductor graduated from Tolima Conservatory. I've been providing Singing Lessons and Vocal Coaching for about 8 years.
Get amazing-sounding drums for your track. I have recorded tracks for Diana Hoyos, Los Rabanes, and 3RG Miami among others. Currently, I play live with Dark Side of the Wall.
Con más de 6 años de experiencia en corridos tumbados y regional mexicano, Drippeados es tu productor ideal para llevar tu música al siguiente nivel.
Freelance Recording and Mixing Engineer under AIR Studios Lyndhurst Management. Expertise, knowledge, and experience spanning from the highest levels of both bands/artists and film/tv scores.
Recent Successes
"He works great and quickly! I'm so happy to work with him!"
"Rocking,Super punchy, energetic, modern and full sounding! Blair is the BEST!"
"Another great set of lead and BGV’s for my project. Quick turnaround and amazing tone. You can’t go wrong with Brandon. "
"As always working with Marcelo is a pleasure! A true talent and professional! He listens to what a client needs and truly becomes a co-creator of the project when you give him the freedom to be! Highly recommend worki..."
"Evan does it again! Absolute perfection, so professional yet friendly and approachable. The quality of work is second to none and always far exceeds my expectations. Highly recommended! "
"It was great working with Robert, he recorded the perfect scream vocals for my track!"
"Shelley H is one of the most talented creatives we have worked with. And we have worked with a lot, of big names, and up-and-coming big names. She is at the top of the list with the big ones!! We are always excited an..."
"Absolutely great mastering work! really enhanced my track properly to the genre."
"Great work, but also great advises towards future project. I completely recommend Mario"
"Alex is amazing! I am very impressed by the level of expertise and professionalism demonstrated throughout the entire process. Will definitely be working with him again!"