Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Refeshing Ads
Full arrangements, beautifully crisp instrumentals, and genre fusing fun - this production company uses the highest quality samples, and live recordings to focus on providing your project the best track to fit your specific needs. We award winning winning ears and a good eye for EQ.
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Name is Champagne. Mac Champagne. Now that the funnies is out the way. I am from Sacramento, CA. Grew up in South Sacramento and graduated from Valley Hi School. I am a producer, composer and recording engineering currently in school for Recording Engineering degree. I play the Piano and bring the west coast sound back from the 90s Era.
I have good inspiration and vision about the mix of the song and how it should need to be heard in professional fusion of the clients exactly want to hear
A singer trying to put her vocals to use!
I'm just a 19 year kid trying to find an opportunity
I am a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter/producer who co-wrote on "Be the Truth," -single released by Gattison, that was considered for Grammy nomination. I also produced, recorded, and mixed the sound for Gattison's performance on Music.com (Pharrell Williams' company). https://www.youtube.com/watchv=PVBW84ea
Do you need the perfect bassline to complete your song? Rocking guitars to bring your project to the next level? I'm here to help!
I am a singer-songwriter, and music producer in Melbourne, Australia.
Creative & soulful, technical & precise, focused & driven - your collaborator in creating meaning through music. For over 25 years, I've dedicated myself professionally to various aspects of production - technical & creative, audio & live events. But my passion has always been music - so here I am, let's go.
Recent Successes
"another stellar performance by Don!"
"Gabriele is a masterful guitarist! We've worked together a few times now, and what he did on this song is so good, that I asked him to do a full acoustic version! HIGHLY RECOMMEND "
"Multiple times coming back to Arthur as his work speaks for it self not only with incredible quality but efficiency. I love getting the chance to work with him on every track so far! "
"Joshua did a great job creating a video for Mixed In Key. He wrote a great song that included lyrics. The tune was so catchy I couldn't get it out my head! I would recommend working with Joshua on your next project."
"A fantastic pro who gets the best out of your project. Mark is able to create the space needed to bring out all the elements of the track and get them sounding incredibly good. A pleasure to work with. "
"Alos this time Wayne did an amazing Job in a quick time. He is very professional and has unique voices. Looking for a new project with him."