Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Redd AllFavela
💰I help artists make money 🌐+4M streams|172 tracks|115 artists|17 countries
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Hello, my name is Quintin. I've been recording professionally since 2007 and currently work in Atlanta, Ga. I believe music is truly about an emotion and expression.
Electronic Music Producer AKA DJ Elecktro. Music Production Remixing mashups Recording Djying
Ali Stone is a music producer, multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter, and engineer from Colombia. She was named by Billboard as one of the Latin Hitmakers of 2021. She has worked as a producer for GRAMMY/nominated & Multi Platinum albums by artists like Cami and Danna Paola.
I am a producer and engineer available to mix and master your project!
If you want your rock / metal song sound modern, with a punchy lowend, tight guitars and big vocals - hit me up. I´m Michael, an audio engineer & producer with a studio based in Germany specialized in producing and mixing modern rock and metal music.
Vidéaste Mariage
I have a home studio, where I record vocals using a microphone tree - SM7B Dynamic & Samson C01 Condenser mic. I have had a number of songs on South African and USA radio stations. I also write with songwriters from all over the world (USA, UK, Sweden), writing for different genres; Country, Pop, K-Pop, Folk, Country/Rock.
All in One: I am a music producer, with the musical skills for your song! I can play all instruments required for a full-band recording and have the skills and tools necessary for a good mix and master.
Recent Successes
"Gino Burgio is God of music..! "
"Tyler just completed mixing the 7th song we've worked on together. It sounds amazing. As I've said... he is always so easy to work with. If I request an edit... he just does it. No explanations needed. We will st..."
"It's been an absolute pleasure working with Daniel. He's super professional, fast responses, quality 5/5. "
"So I have just finished another song with Marcello, a very complex one with a lot of work for vocalist. Not only has he performed it masterfully, he recorded his own vision of the song with strong, vibrant and dynamic..."
"This man is truly the BEST of the BEST. I needed some real power in my song that I knew was there, and he brought it out and made it something I could only dream of. Don't consider another engineer, hit up Sefi. "
"We have had an amazing time working with Pilar. As first-time users of Soundbetter, she really understood the vibe we were going for and used the references we provided. With the end result being better than we could ..."
"This was my second project with her. I've done many projects on Soundbetter, and this one was the best. She was communicative and creative! I definitely recommend working with her!!"