Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Receta!
I have been producen since 2018. I produce, record, mix, master, distribute and manage my songs all by myself. So I've been developing certain habilities in different areas.
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My love for music got me into audio and from there I delved into the world of sound in all its mediums. I love the variety that new projects bring - not only different genres, but mediums. Collaborating on an exciting vision is what makes me wanna keep doing this!
I help people to make their creative vision to become real.
Versatile guitarist specialized in experimental music, sound scapes, film music
En mi blog, Melón sin Jamón, encontrarás una selección de recetas veganas fáciles para disfrutar del veganismo. ¡Hola! Soy Nara, tengo 30 años, enfermera, apasionada de la cocina, la nutrición y la vida sana.
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i am a song writer, if you have a story let me turn it into a song. no matter the genre.
Recent Successes
"Brent is an unbelievable engineer. Not only is he talented and creative (depending on the parameters you give him) with his mix, but he is attentive to client communication and most importantly, he is trustworthy. Whe..."
"Great work as always!"
"Malachi was great to work with. Delivered a great production, mix, and addressed all aspects of my song. Thank you! "
"Jeff is efficient ,talented and he got a great sense in music . Especially for the vocal production part ,it comes out better than I expected . Would love to work with him again in the future."
"Working with Nico was a great experience, he's very good at his work and really patient with everything. "
"Marphil is the definition of what a true professional is, insane voice, insane skills, and very very quickly. I’ll obviously work again with him ! One of the best options!"
"Amazing work per usual. My favorite to work with :) "
"In this time, it was a short bars of rap request, but she did an Amazing job with a lot of presence. I am really satisfied with her work :) The communication is absolutely perfect!"
"As always, Kyleen has completely blown us away with her playing. This is the third time we've worked together, and it is always such an enjoyable and easy process. Her performances are not only amazing, but her writin..."