Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Recens Music
READY TO BRING YOUR MUSIC TO THE NEXT LEVEL? I will talk with you to translate YOUR artistic vision into a finished product READY TO BE RELEASED! I know how important is to communicate with an engineer, I will spend precious time to understand what makes your track stand out and how to take the most out of it.
More providers:
Extreme audio works for extreme artists.
Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Film Composer.
Do you want to go viral? Do you want your song to be stuck in the hearts and minds of millions of fans? Justin Cooper is your man! After crafting his skill for over 10 years as a songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist, he has cracked the formula for delivering consistent hits. He will turn YOUR MUSIC into a SMASH.
With over 15 years in the music industry I can complete your projects in a timely manner to professional standard. I have produced/recorded/engineered artists such as (2020 FreshmanXXL Nomiee) Squidnice, BobbyNice, and Slice Throat.
I produce songs more close to contemporary Indian film Music
I'm a world class vocalist with 10 years of experience outside the studio. I have the ability to raise your tracks to the level it deserves.
Mixing and Mastering Engineer based in Montevideo, Uruguay. I have over 4 years of experience working with Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop and Trap artists from all around the world.
Recent Successes
"Brilliant work by Matt. Consistently delivers the best results!"
"Kimera is an unbelievable great talent! If you want your song to sound like it’s a hit on the radio ( and everyone you play it for will agree) then hire her!"
"Phil is as good as it gets. He's a world-class bass player on both upright and electric bass. His time, feel, and intonation are impeccable, you won't need or want to make any edits. He brought so many great ideas and..."
"I really enjoyed working with GESS. He has a raw talent in writing lyrics that are straight on point. Would definitely work with him again!"
" worked with on many songs.In Each one of them, the guitar sounds original, unique and fits the song perfectly every-time. I rarely change his part. He's right on the money every-time!"
"It was a great experience working with Dmitry he’s very communicative, patient, & a wonderful engineer. He took my song to a new height that I didn’t know was achievable with his exceptional mixing. Will be back again..."
"Third time already I have been working with Simon and it's always a pleasure. He has a very unique, yet versatile voice, delivered within one day and sent me a couple of extra options to choose from. Can 100% recommen..."
"Had a great time working with James! He listened to everything I asked for and took everything on board and implemented it to the track. Not to mention the track we worked on together was the quickest turnaround of a ..."
"Everytime I need piano, Reed is always the one I work with. He knows what a song needs. "
"Great mastering and a pleasure to work with as always!"