Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with RaúlAguilar
Lic. Imagen y Sonido - Producer / Mixer /Master.
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Sound producing of electronic and acoustic music, live recordings mixing, vocal pitch correction, drums programming, music mastering for Internet streaming, CD, vinyl. Digidesign Pro Tools, Melodyne etc.
I'm a seasoned writer with a forte in catchy hooks and choruses.
I mix, I play, I create.
THIS is the only place you need to go for remote mixing and mastering. Why should you choose me? Professional Demeanour, Strong work ethic, Excellent customer service, Easy communication throughout the process, and High quality production
I wrote, recorded, produced, mixed and mastered my debut album, "Self-Portrait."
True Mastering. Outboard Gear. No 'Algorithmic Templates'. Give your soulful creation the voltage it deserves. Stop settling for the 'in the box', cookie cutter mastering and soft binary coding of your amazing soundscapes. Gregory Allison - Treneti- Two Lions Band - Ella Luna - Fairy - and many more. www.blacksheeprevival.org
Recent Successes
"Chuck is a great dude to work with, who took the time and utilized his communications to engage the track, and offer the right amount of musicianship in order to compliment the track. He really took the time to get a ..."
"My third time working with Arturo. Exceptional engineer. I keep coming back to him cause he guarantees satisfaction. "
"One of the best voices i have ever worked with, Elsbeth has such a stunning style and talent! I highly recommend getting the chance to work with her! "
"Claude delivered great-sounding tracks, exactly what I was looking for. Easy to work with. Highly recommend. Thank you, Claude. 🙏"
"Jon helped me produce my first song and I was more than impressed. He was super patient and helpful. He added a nice professional flow to my song, exactly what I needed. I would definitely work in the future with him!"
"Once again SIME delivers passionated screaming vocals and makes changes superfast. Great recording quality with a good amout of headroom. "
"Emmaline is Great to work with! After working with her for over 2 years now... she keeps surprising me (in a good way) with her Vocal Versatility. I have sent her many songs in many different styles and with each s..."
"The mix sounds great! Couldn’t be happier. It has the Space, depth, bass, kick, just as I had envisioned. Great job. Will be back. Thanks. "