Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Abyssnox
Lic. Imagen y Sonido - Producer / Mixer /Master.
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Recording studio.
I work my hardest to get you the best product you can get, with a spirit of excellence. I'm not happy until you are happy.
Female Singer, Demo Vocalist
I am an award winning producer out of Chicago with many billboard charting songs On the radio One of which has stayed #1 for three weeks straight. I also mix and master all types of music. I consider myself an extreme artist pleaser and developer
Albert Hammond, Dani Martin, Sangre Azul, Def Con Dos, Tinta China... guitar player with most of 90 recorded álbums, touring around the world and recording with te best spanish producers.
Here to share authentic Japanese sounds and create with artists around the world. I have a strong passion for Japanese cultural music and believe in the wonders of sharing it. I hope to be able to connect, share, and expand by working with global artists here!
Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 music studio in Vancouver Lower Mainland. Deep understanding and control of all stages in music production and own all the best necessary tools for that. Passion for music is what drives me, self taught, I paid my dues in the last 35 chasing the dream. What I am and I do now is just a natural evolution in my musical quest.
Recent Successes
"I'm always skeptical whenever I see nothing but 5 star reviews, but Matt definitely deserves it. He's been incredibly professional, patient and helpful with me working through my first track on this platform. I'm exci..."
"Yo he made my song sound fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥 and he did it quick. Appreciate you bro! I'm sending all my songs to MIDAS. Facts!"
"Evan Francis always brings his A game. What more would you expect from the cat consistently making DownBeat's Poll of up and coming flute players. And that's his second instrument!"
"Brent is a consummate professional. Quick, proficient and great communication."
"Always gives you what you want and in a very timely manner. Easy to work with, a pro."
"First time working with Bram but not the last time. This guy took my track to the next level, an absolute beast. What I like the most was his patience, availability, and his delivery time. Best in the game!"
"Another Job with Stefano, with guitar and mastering. Although some language communication issues, job was nicely done."
"Gran voz, gran interpretación, buena comunicación. Un placer trabajar con ella."
"An awesomely talented guy. Did a great job and will no doubt work with him again. "