Rapper in Pomona
Rapping better than your boyfriend since 2013, DEVMO is a rapper, singer, songwriter who's song has gone viral on TikTok. Need a rap or pop top-line, a jingle, or a song for a film or TV? DEVMO is your girl.
High-impact EDM vocalist with 12+ years of experience. I specialise in electronic genres, and provide vocals that convey a clear message and emotion. Book me to collab on your vision and I'll deliver with great comms, full creativity & high impact.
Looking for a writer or producer for your next hit song? You’re in the right place. As a multi-genre Hip-Hop Songwriter & Producer I can write a full rap song for you from scratch based on your concepts. If you need production I can build around your already laid vocal & beat ideas or create something brand new for you from scratch. Let's work!
I am confident in my expertise to deliver a well versed Hip hop song and vocals. With my knowledge and understanding of cadences and flows makes me the perfect connect. I will make your hip hop song come to life! I have worked with various artist and deliver them their first single.Book me to complete you hip hop record if you are looking for hits!
Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter. Drummer, Keyboard player and producer. Worked with many seasoned vets in the music industry and still learning as music grows and changes.
A Hip Hop Artist and Audio Recording, Mixing and Mastering Engineer with over 10 years of experience.
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seattle producer/engineer.
What separates your music from the rest of the worlds? Let it be the quality. Let it be the clarity. Let it be how the instrumental and vocals dance together in unity.
I think of music as a language. With every song, there's a message that needs to be delivered no matter if there's lyrics or not. Collaborated with R&B artist R.LUM.R on remix EP, "Alterimage" Played trombone on intro and song "Let Go" on new Judah & The Lion album, "Pep Talks" Won 2016 Nashville Industry Music Award for Producer of the Year.
From Izhevks
Almost 20 years on the stage and professional sound technician and music producer for more than a decade. Owner of Red Factory Studio in Barcelona, Spain.
I'm a classically trained multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and versatile vocalist. I can navigate many styles including pop, R&B, country and hip-hop. Many years of studio experience and training makes me extremely efficient in the recording booth. I bring a strong background in music theory and excellent piano chops.
Hobby LoFi Beatmaker
Bari-Tenor Singer
Recent Successes
"Fred was amazing!! My record sound clean and fresh after he helped me master it!! Thank you so much and I'll work with him again when I get the chance!!!"
"Victor created a dance track based on a contemporary classical piano piece. He adapted the original melody to the new format in a very appropriate way, showing his own creative talents. The final result really worked ..."
"Yoad is absolutely an amazing mixing engineer. His work has a special sparkle. Everything has clarity and comes out sounding tight and polished. He does all this while maintaining the original vibe of the track. I ..."
"Single is super creative and talented, he created an amazing pop children song for me and I know its gonna be a hit ! he gets what I want immediately and able to fix my voice to bring the best version! I am very satis..."
"Melo has done a MASTER WORK on my last project! The more we work together, the better he understands my needs.. Melo is, for sure, the man you must work with! Thank you Melo! "
"Pat was extremely professional and great to work with!"
"Yeah, this track is really something. We're 6 songs in already and got plenty more booked. Killian KILLED it. Murdered it. Buried it. Torched it and then BLEW IT UP, and exploded it into what it is: a banging, banging..."