Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Randy Jones from The Villiage People
Do you need a Sax solo? 4 part horn section for a chorus? A bass line? Let me help you complete your vision!
Mixing & Mastering Engineer specializing in Dance/R&B/HipHop music.
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I've mixed Alanis Morrisette, Green Day, Death Cab for Cutie, Florence and the Machine, HE WHO CANNOT BE NAMED. The Samples, Cordova, and Domes of Energy. My goal is to brings clarity, power & strength to your songs, help you sound competitive and help you make something that will last. Instagram @matt_boudreau Web: mattboudreau.com
Music Composer, Guitarist, Arranger https://derekdolan.com
Audio production credits on dozens of independent releases. Committed to achieving your musical vision. Music you don't just hear but feel in your gut. Enhance the quality of your podcast.
I'm passionate about creating great art with my clients. I work alongside pop, acoustic and rock bands and artists, helping them develop and achieve the best in their songs, performances and mixes, creating a distinct sound that stands out from the crowd.
Today is Tomorrow So Whatd you do about yesterday 🤷🏾♂️
Live Guitarist and Musical Director for Gin Wigmore, Tour Manager for Paris Jackson, Producer and Studio Engineer for Sleepers Union, Labretta Suede & The Motel 6 and many, many others. My diverse experience in all aspects of the music industry gives me a unique insight and appreciation of it which I genuinely love sharing; any genre, any level.
I'm a musical jack of all trades with a specialty in music as a means of storytelling. I worked for two years on the National Tour of Jersey Boys and recently produced and orchestrated the original Off-Broadway cast recording of Stranger Sings: The Parody Musical.
Experienced session drummer. Recording drums track for your song, Remote mixing.
Recent Successes
"I recently completed a second song with Adrian. Just like the first song, he completed the second song above my expectations. I am very delighted to have him work on this song. I will not hesitate to recommend him to ..."
"It was so great working with Von for the second time! She made a really cool custom beat for my song after telling her a brief description of what I wanted. She’s really good at making beats! She was patient with..."
"Mike and his friends alway come through. Solid sounds and great groove and ideas. They are the best horns! If Pharrell uses them- they gotta be good. "
"Very good quality and finished product. Also very fast and efficient. "
"Super thankful for him for taking my music to the next level! Easy to work with and super helpful. Thank you! "
"Chris is a true professional. He got back to me with 3 different takes in a quick and timely manner. All 3 takes were great and Chris brought the energy and feel of the song that I was looking for! Chris welcomed any ..."
"He worked with me to take the very difficult recording and give it new life, Thanks Danny!"
"Elliot is always a pleasure to work with. And this time he was very patient and attentive to some of the demands of my record label. He's definitely my go to guy now."