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Rajpura Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a Musician / Sound engineer Living in Bamberg, Germany.
Patrick Perez is a curator of sound through his distinct abilities in music production, audio engineering, and sound design. His versatility opens the opportunity to explore new territories in film, fashion, installations and music, which assist artists & collaborators to bring their audible vision to life.
Played for JLo, Megan Thee Stallion, Disney, Muni Long, Ciara, VMA, BET, CMT, & more.
We deliver damn good mixes. On time. For a reasonable price.
Music producer focusing on mixing, mastering and sound design.
I’m Tyler and I write kick-ass song lyrics. Whether you are looking for a heart wrenching ballad, a punchy head banger, a bubble gum pop tune, or a depressing acoustic number, I can deliver.
You can have harmony with intense emotion. Even entire choirs if you want.
Hello! I'm Volodymyr, an accomplished cellist and arranger from Ukraine. I currently working as a cellist in the L'viv Opera Studio Orchestra and Luhansk Philharmonic Orchestra (based in L`viv). Additionally, I'm the founder and a member of the instrumental rock band ROCKOKO since 2012.
Recent Successes
"Awesome - quick and really good tracks - great feel and very easy to work with so I am doing more for sure "
"Once again some very fine musicianship. Cicely plays exactly what the piece calls for. She has keen insights into how the piece needs to be enhanced without over or under playing. I look forward to working with her in..."
"Achilles was very prompt, professional and helpful. We really helped guide me through the whole process, including tweaking a few things in the mix to assist with his mastering. Great work!"
"A stunning mastering job, and that's no understatement. I thought we were done until Tom got ahold of our songs. Wow! We are simply floored. Works fast, does everything he says he's gonna do, meeting every promise he ..."
"Virtuoso. He has an amazing ears, creativity and smart."
"Just wow.. Naomi is a true talent. She absolutely took this project to another level and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. You can tell this is what Naomi was born to do and it seems she really enjoys the proces..."
"Dennis is a Pro's pro! He is an amazing drummer with off-the-charts enthusiasm who can instantly take your music to another level. You can hear his passion in every performance and I am thrilled to have worked with hi..."
"Very professional. Got the track back next day we’ll mixed and ready for mastering. Thanks kev, I was in a pickle but we made it in the end! "