Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rai3
Produced tracks with DAVI, Blakkat from Shaboom records, had placements in Paramount picture film Four Brothers, RAI3 Italian television. Shared the stage with Stevie Wonder. Musical Director for bands that perform for celebrities like Oprah, Peyton Manning, Maria Shriver. Vocals, guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, Latin Percussion, Tenor/Alto sax.
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I have been producing electronic music for over 8 years. With a wide experience in EDM genres. I have also played at festivals in my local area and been on BBC Radio a number of times. Alongside production i am also available to hire for very affordable mixing and mastering services. Ableton Live User.
Three time Felix award nominated engineer specializing in mixing and mastering with 35 years experience. I specialize in Jazz and World, but have worked on all styles.
20 years of experience in composing music for documentaries, tv broadcasts, advertising, film, shorts.
Creative Pop Producer
I'm a pro singer+writer in multiple-genres with over 3 million streams, placements in FIFA '23 playlist, Netflix series, Booksmart (US Movie) and featurings. Need catchy hooks, quirky lyrics and a powerful but sultry voice? Holler!
Experimental mixing engineer experienced in Indie Pop, Bedroom Pop, Rock, Funk, and Jazz mixing. I am looking to expand my portfolio and take on new projects! Work for hire.
Produced tracks with DAVI, Blakkat from Shaboom records, had placements in Paramount picture film Four Brothers, RAI3 Italian television. Shared the stage with Stevie Wonder. Musical Director for bands that perform for celebrities like Oprah, Peyton Manning, Maria Shriver. Vocals, guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, Latin Percussion, Tenor/Alto sax.
Professional Piano and Keyboard player / arranger / composer from Italy. 20+ Years of experience in the industry as session musician, live performer and multi instrumentalist.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Tyree, he does a good quick Basic mix. Will work again in the future. "
"Gost is great. He took the time to explain to me what I was hearing and how things worked. He was super patient with my lack of knowledge and really helped me understand my tracks more! He also did a remaster for me o..."
"WOW. It's such a great privilege to work with a true pro that hears and appreciates your vision for a song. He takes suggestions without batting an eye; does a revision if you need and doesn't over play the part. A..."
"Awesome job!!! Aaron fully understood what I needed. He mixed and mastered my bass house song and it was perfect! Highly recommended!"
"Tyree has an amazing ear for music. This is my second time working with him and I can admit that he blew it out that the water on both records. I would recommend him to anyone. Catch him while you can!!!!"
"The cat has soul. Book your trip to Brown Town Now!!"
"Stereo is a meticulous, fast and efficient engineer. The final product was one of the most professional and alive sounding mixes we've ever received. Great pleasure to work with such a talent. Definitely recommend for..."
"Jesse did a fantastic job on not one but two songs for me!!! Because of Jesse we will always have a go-to music producer in Nashville !!! Arthur Payne Dreamin' Out Loud Entertainment - Kansas City, MO"