Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rage of Angels
I am a Vocalist. I've covered many different genre's but mostly the heavier rock format. I've toured in Europe, USA, and Canada. I have my own home studio that I can create vocals for anybody.
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Looking for that extra edge in your track? Having trouble trying to make that radio sound? Can't seem to find the right spot? Clarity, Balance, Dynamic, Tone, Crisp, Warm & Transparent are a few of the many concepts that I indulge into my mix to create that hit track that you need. Call me Siki :)
The sounds the human ear find pleasant is combination (mix) dependent.
Platinum selling and award winning artist. Soul inspired hip-hop is what I love the most.
Vocalist & Pianist. Experienced, Versatile, Professional, Chill. WEBSITE: http://www.autumnmelodythomas.com/ LATEST SIRUP MUSIC SIGNING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sir5eUfHcVI DEMO VOCALS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMyezZyueME PRO PIANIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FI9OpZQh8A & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clmXwzGBcS8
Let's have fun creating music
Lets create something together that makes us both giddy with excitement! I look forward to working with you! :)
Worked with Multiplatinum Producers
Dynamic blend of Pop, Rock, and Synth-Pop/Rock highlights Freddy Nemesis' unique sound and thought-provoking lyrics.
Recent Successes
"Working with Matt was great, he delivered a great sounding vocal track in just a few days. I'll definitely work with him again"
"I produced some production music in France. I work with Nate since one or two mouth and he played drums on 5 tracks for me. I highly recommanded Nate, he's got a great feeling, great sounds, easy to speak with and he'..."
"Good to work with and Eric has a great understanding of our genre. "
"I worked with Simon to get assistance in turning a demo song into a great, professional-sounding piece that I really enjoy listening to. That is priceless by itself. The workflow was smooth and the communication b..."
"Wow Alex did a great job. He's great to work with and a consummate professional. The song definitely was taken up a few notches even though he said my mix was pretty good. He explained a few things he did to make it b..."
"Craig always deliver perfect upright bass tracks. Really recommend."
"Another great job by David! Always a pleasure to work with you, David. "