Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Radio Vorterix
I can produce, compose, mix and master your demo and turn it into a professional song!
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After completing my Diploma in music production at SAE, I went on to gain employment at PLW Entertainment. During the 4 years I worked at PLW, I worked with many artists signed to both independent and major labels. I have a deep appreciation for all music which gives me the versatility to be able to mix a vast array of styles and genres.
Original home studio music always open to new ideas and helpful criticism.
You will have passion and professionalism at your service. I work very fast without quality loss. Communication with me will be very easy, so don't hesitate to ask me anything!
I do everything from beats to mixing and mastering full tracks. Just text me and we connect to talk about your project!
We're ready to help you in all your creative needs, from music production and songwriting, while recording your live instrumentation, all the way to the mixing and mastering. Do we also offer distribution and publishing services? Yes we do!
I'm a mixing and mastering engineer. Lately most of the projects I've been working on are R&B, Trap, Hip-Hop and Pop productions with many cultural influences from all around the world. I'm currently working at O'Connell Mastering studio, a really firendly, warm and professional place to work and create music based in Barcelona.
I'm a professional guitar player and producer based in Florence, Italy with 10+ years of experience. I'm graduated in Jazz Guitar with maximum score (110 with honours) at Siena Jazz University, the best jazz school in Europe according to Jazzit Magazine
Creative rock engineer looking to service and collaborate. Production, Mixing.
Recent Successes
"My band hired Greg at Neon Audio to mix and master our six song EP. Throughout the process he did a great job of communicating with us and listening to our feedback on his mixes. He knows the technical side of sound e..."
"Very able guitar player. Fast delivery as well!"
"Daryl once again excelled at his works. This is my third 10-track projects with him, he has the best attributes of an audio engineer, and I’m lucky to form a firm bond with such a great person! Overall, he gives 110% ..."
"Erman produced some great masters for my debut single! He kept the vibe of the mix and generally made the track sound great. He also provided two versions for me to choose from, which was an awesome touch. Erman w..."
"Just PERFECT as usual. Bram never disappoints! Great guy to work with and the result is top-notch."
"Chris is super talented! An absolute pro and a real pleasure to work with, every time. 100% recommended."
"Nailed it like always, his ability to hit any pocket we're looking for always blows us away."
"He is so easy to work with and a great musician! I feel lucky to find him here :) "
"You will not go wrong working with Josh!! We had a full project mixed by various engineers and his mixes to me were my favorite, the thing with Josh is he doesn't stop at just mixing a song, he treats it as if it's hi..."