Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rachel Summers
Seasoned producer & editor, with 5 years at Church of the Highlands and a track record of working with multiple artists. I specialize in editing, sound design & producing, but I am also confident in virtually every other part of the music production spectrum. Pop RnB is the genre where I feel most natural - the more vocal layers, the better.
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I love providing the world with its soundtrack. I sculpt and manipulate sound both on and off the film set using Pro Tools 10 and through my experiences with Broadcast Television, short films and Audiobooks. My past roles for sound have included: - Sound Designer - Audio Engineer - Post Sound Supervisor - On-set Mixer/Boom - Foley Artist
Songwriter and lyricist from Finland, based in Barcelona. Fusions of indie, folk, jazz and pop. Catchy hooks, touching stories, or a debate.
EDM Artist ready to Produce and/or Engineer all genres!
I believe that every musician and artist has their own potential to make something great for their creations. Using me would give you access to an amazing sounding creation made from your own sounds. I specialize in Christian and Gospel music, but have backgrounds in several different genres, including Rock, Pop, and Rap.
Let me help your vision shine through the crowd. I work quickly because of my years in live audio. Instead of applying a cookie cutter approach to mixing and mastering I truly listen to your reference track, and only do the necessary processing, using my hand built analog tools and a compliment of the latest plugins. The song comes first, always.
For more than 15 years mixing and mastering music in analog / digital form, for different places in the world
If you listen to Electronic music, you might have heard one of my tracks, "Movements" already. It has amassed over 400 million streams worldwide. When it comes to creating music I love bringing the artist's vision to life and make it sound incredible. My music is mostly electronic, but I love anything that is related with music!
Creative Mixing engineer for Andrea Oliva, Arodes, dj Chus, PAAX Tulum as headline djs among another artist in the electronic music scene. Helping out artists to get a better sound including production ideas as complementary harmonies. Making music since 2005, engineering since 2015.
Recent Successes
"TheHookCo never ceases to impress. I've been extremely pleased with the outcome of every one of our projects together. These guys know what they are doing, no doubt. Also very communicative and always there with a ..."
"One of the most talented producers in the game. Exceptionally communicative, very consistent, and truly did his best to make our track better; he not only catered to my vision, but offered suggestions and improvements..."
"Simon is an extremely talented human! Super professional and really creative. Did wonders with my track suggesting changes to the structure, laying down parts/instruments and additional vocals. It was a really fun pro..."
"Working on my song with Dion has been such a great experience all the way through and for multiple services (mixing, mastering, bass session, etc...)! Dion provided guidance, demonstrated a lot of experience, listen..."
"Niels is a very good guitar player. He gave me what my song needed. I mention that I wanted a more defined part for the bridge and he did it. Very easy to work with. I plan on using his services again. "
"Alex did a great job and delivered just what I asked for. "
"Bram killed it on another one - this one was pretty out there genre-wise and still came back excellent. "
"I worked with Alex Picciafuochi as the mastering engineer, and I’m very satisfied with the result. After a few adjustments, he was able to perfectly capture my vision. The communication was always pleasant and profess..."