Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pytha
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I was born and raised in the UK but have lived in the US for the last 22 years.
We are a full service analog/digital recording studio in Boston, MA. Our focus is on collaboration with artists to create recordings that have artistic, commercial and technical merit, offering a number of unique, affordable services, catered to both independent and signed musicians.
Music producer, Mixing & Mastering
Awards winning violinist and composer, filmmaker
I have worked with countless acts including XXL featured artist, Mimi Rose. I also specialize in "Audio Mastering". I acquired this certification from Grammy Award-Winning Mastering Engineer, Blake La Grange. It's important to have a consumer-oriented mindset when mixing and mastering. The audience should EXPERIENCE music, not listen to it.
Recipient of the National Louis Armstrong Award, former session drummer for Aftershock (now known as Killswitch Engage), Skiye wrote his first symphony at age 13. Inventor of the "Stringamajig" and new non-Pythagorean scales, he has been recording, mixing and mastering his music for over 25 years changing to Hi-Fi in 2006.
I´ll give your song that competitive sound it needs.
I am vibrant and creative session keys player who uses my jazz background to add intrigue to every track. I feature on many projects in my local Montreal music scene, including indie pop songs, surf rock ragers, post-punk tunes, and features on the scores of a short film as well as an immersive video game both set to come out next year.
Recent Successes
"Gracious as ever "
"I love working with Merty hes the only person I will work with. forreal. thank you so much "
"Charlin's performance on our project was exactly what we needed, and her stems were exactly what you'd expect from a high end studio. Would definitely recommend if you enjoy her demos."
"Working with Paul was a real pleasure! His lines fit the song, and the quick turnaround was amazing. "
"Excellent remix work by Joe 👌"
"So happy I chose Yonnie for recording flutes for my first album! Very talented, generous and soulful artist. Looking forward for continuing working together!"
"I have worked with Laust in the past on a Blues song and hired him recently to mix a ballad for me. He comped my vocal tracks and aligned them up perfectly with the instrumental track. He was also able to eliminate th..."
"Caslo did a great job Remaking Drums On My Remake of "Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose" by James Brown!"
"It was a great pleasure to collaborate with Davide, very good ideas, fast & serious work. I recommand!"