Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TEFO
Un sonido único en el genero urbano latino
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Le Studio Compiègne vous propose un accompagnement personnalisé dans votre projet musical grâce à une équipe de professionnels (ingé son, beatmaker & musiciens de studio) à votre écoute avec un savoir faire et du matériel de qualité. Confiez-nous votre projet, votre rêve peut devenir réalité ♫ Une question ? 📧 studiocompiegne60@gmail.com 📧
NYC based jazz saxophonist, woodwind specialist and composer.
Trilingual singer, songwriter, vocalist, or producer.
Ou trouver des grossistes
I'm a NY based session and touring cellist. I've recorded for Stefon Harris, Holychild, and John Brown's Body and shared the stage with Roger Daltrey and The Who and Rubblebucket.
No compromise service. We mix and master to an industry accepted standard and affordability in mind.
Valentin plus connu sous le nom de Animaux Et Paysage La Chaine, est un beatmaker, auteur-compositeur-interprète de musique électro-pop urbaine en français. Originaire de Harfleur, il commence son projet musical en 2020.
Recent Successes
"As always, working with the best. Camilo is top notch! I can't wait to go to his studio one day, I've heard it's amazinggggg"
"Joey is a brilliant vocalist and executed my vision perfectly. I had a contemporary rnb beat song and Joey absolutely finese it and give life to the song! Can't wait to work with him again, thank you Joey!"
"Thank you so much for your help with this! its perfect! Brilliant work, Marcus! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻"
"I have nothing but respect and admiration for the fantastic team at Andres Mayo Mastering. The product speaks for itself. My mix sounds awesome, the correspondence was quick and concise and the total service they prov..."
"Kelsie is an EXCEPTIONAL Singer with an INCREDIBLE vocal range. What she did with my song was pure creative Genius! Her talent elevated my song to another dimension. "
"WOW!!! Tom did an amazing in-depth technical analysis in relation to Spotify's loudness normalization process on my track. Delivered everything perfectly as I needed. He is an absolute genius! THANK YOU so much Tom! I..."
"Second job in a row appointed to Dimitris. Job Done! Thanksss"