Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Purpose of our life
I am a dedicated singer, Music Producer, and Sound Effects Designer. I specialize in Animated Videos, Commercials & Advertising for TV, Social Media, trailers, movies and currently studying sound design for video games.
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More providers:
Stage manager, tour manager, FOH engineer, producer, engineer, mixer, sound designer and musician.
Recording, mixing, and producing, with a large credit list and reasonable rates.
62nd Grammy Awards® Nominations Consideration / Divas Got Soul / Bright Star Awards UK /Platinum Diamond Author Composer
Soulful Celtic vocals for an otherworldly feeling. Ethereal and dreamy to gritty rock and back again!
If you've started an idea and looking for someone dedicated to help you finish it, let's talk and get your project done. I'm a passionate Artrist/Music Producer, an enthused Sound Designer, driven by art and have a keen hobby of being attentive to the tiniest little details. I worked in scoring studios and bedroom studios.
Program progressive ethnic percussion tracks for sync projects.
Hola, ¿te resulta frustrante que tus mezclas tengan un sonido oscuro, apagado y poco pulido? Mi servicio garantiza tu satisfacción, proporcionándote la mejor mezcla y masterización para que tus proyectos destaquen a un nivel profesional en la industria musical. Además, impulso la evolución creativa llevando tu expresión musical a un nivel supe
Recent Successes
"I had an amazing experience working with this talented percussionist. From the beginning, the attention to detail and level of expertise at the moment of suggesting things to add to my track were superb. High quality ..."
"Awesome job Was very thorough and attentive to my requests"
"Stephen was so easy to communicate with. He set out to achieve exactly what i was aiming for. Thanks for the great work and i look forward to working with stephen again"
"My brother… This is phenomenal. I literally got the chills when the chorus kicked in. Wow. Blown away hoss. It’s a whole different tune. So stoked. Can’t believe I was on the fence about adding the backup vox. Fan..."
"Chuck's drumming is simply awesome.... the perfect live drum track, supports the song beautifully, stellar sound, finesse and power . . . a major talent! Couldn't have imagined it any better!!"
"A real professional team. Fast, precise and nice artists. I like the power of the Ian's voice. My next project would be definitely with them again."
"Finally, I found a guitarist for all my reggae songs in Adam Zimmon. The wah wah guitar playing those smooth melodies was just the right vibe for the song. Also, the vintage vibe on lead guitar and going home was wick..."