Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pull Me Back In
Discover Your Unique Sound with My Experienced Direction! Whether we're crafting a song from its inception or refining an existing demo, I specialise in transforming ideas into professional, playlist-ready tracks that captivate audiences.
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Marsh Mastering is a top-tier, no compromises audio boutique with an outstanding global reputation specializing in custom audio mastering for today's Vinyl and Streaming formats while supporting all digital and analog legacy mastering formats.
I have had the privilege to work with some truly wonderful musicians in my career. Whether you need a strong groove or sensitive textural tapestry, I have years of experience to give your song the energy it needs to shine. Drum set or hand percussion, I can get it done.
Hey guys, I’m sure everyone knows someone that’s into music, vlogs, podcasts, etc. and I’d love to work with them! I am an alumnus graduate of the LA Film School and provide professional audio/sound engineering, recording, mixing, and mastering services for extremely competitive prices!
Take your project to the next level with brass! Whether you are looking for subtlety, pyrotechnics or anything in between, I have the tools and experience to provide!
First-class Honours and Distinction grades of Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Science Audio Degrees, Spatial Audio Specialist (Object-Based Audio, Ambisonics, Stereo), Send me your stems and I will show you how great your final mix can sound
I can mix and master your music at a reasonable price. I've been audio engineering for over 5 years now. I've mostly been working on local HipHop artist. I have worked with indie Rock and Metal Songs.
Mixing and Mastering maker, with some musical backgrounds in Armada Music, Sony Music, Warner Benelux. Many courses made with Luca Pretolesi.
Remote drum recordings and drum loops.
Recent Successes
"I had a nearly impossible track to master and mix, along with different effects that I had in mind that I didn't know the direction of how to make it sound best. Leo is definitely a PRO in all aspects of mastering/m..."
"Patrick was easy to work with .His percussion was the perfect layer for the song giving it a fuller more dynamic feel."
"Dalton is true professional who uses his talent and his ear to build your song exactly the way you want it. He mixed one of my songs and nailed it after only one revision. Truly a master of his craft. "
"Nate just keeps getting better and better and never runs out of fresh ideas no matter how many tracks we send his way. Nate treats each track in a unique way ensuring that the track has strong merit for radio, DJ pla..."
"Gordon is one of a kind, a special singer that no matter what song you give him to sing, it's going to come out great! Highly recommended!!!!"
"Hugo always delivers! He's an amazing saxophonist who infuses the track with creative flourishes to punch-up the song! "
"If you want an excellent mastered song Nicky is your guy. Very great to work with and nothing but quality and professionalism :) "