Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pro Bmx Bike
I got the Funk and I got the Jazz... You want some Blues I got that 2.... Looking to change your sound put your money to good use... It will be beyond worth it...
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Producer, Mix Engineer, Songwriter
We specialise in acoustic folk music with a particular interest in Ethnic or 'World' music, country, bluegrass and rock. We provide a session service on hand percussion, sax, clarinet, whistles and a number of hand-made pitched woodwind instruments. International exchange rates will favor those in the U.S. and Europe. Quick turn-around guaranteed.
Indie producer and mixer with credits by Deerhunter, Soccer Mommy, Hazel English, Cate Le Bon, Washed Out, Kaiser Chiefs a.o.
I am capable of helping you create custom audio content for your personal and business news. I can also help with eliminating background noise, podcast production, voiceovers and more. Whatever your need is, wherever you are in the world, I am sure I can help in some way shape or form. It all start with a simple conversation. Excited to connect!
I have been working in the music industry for the last 20 years as producer and recording Artist. I have released several albums (EMI/Universal/Rotana) all composed & produced myself. After all those years locked in the studio and working alone, i would like now to share my wills and my skills and most importantly meet great creative people!
Specialise in Dubstep and Electro House music production. Unique insight into how to develop a signature sound and to breakthrough into the music scene. I am also a versatile DJ, with years of practice in different styles and genres.
Father of two girls, going through divorce, express through writing and inventing, fulltime maintenance engineer
Recent Successes
"It was my second time with her. I was really satisfied this time, too. She complied with my request very well. She is a very good professional singer."
"Brianna did a great job and gave me much more than I asked for. Highly recommended!! "
"Harold d. I always get professional recordings from Lorne MacDougall. Also his collaboration and artistic interpretation and humor is great fun. I get absolutely usable recording works for my track mixes every time. "
"Calvin was awesome to collaborate with. Super professional, understanding our brief and running with it, turning the product back to us very quickly. Would highly recommend his production chops!"
"I loved working with Aleesia. Super pro and offered me many options. I discovered her voice and she really has something special. Can't wait to do another one! "
"Fili is a GREAT mastering engineer! He is always there to help with any of your mastering needs and is very communicative. Thank you Fili!!"
"Bryan is my go-to guy. The best!"
"Second time working with J! He did the production for my next single, really fast, top producer! will def work with him again on the future 🖤"